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Ahmed Abdalla <[log in to unmask]>
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Ahmed Abdalla <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 05:02:19 -0800
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Ya ,  I  think  it is .

Here  in  Egypt  we  are  a  group  of   activists, we  want to  come to join  WSF.

The  main  and/or the one  problem that facing us is the money for the air ticket .

Any  suggestions ??

I'm  asking  Aliza  ,  Catherine and the others about  some organizations that may like to

fund some or all of us.

I  know  it is a short notice , but  suddenly  it became a concern of some of my friends

here, esp.  after attending  that  conference :


I'm  waiting  for  your  answers .


Cairo  .  Egypt

Midia Etnica <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello all,

Lack less of months to World Social Forum in Porto Alegre - Brazil.  As you know, WSF is an important space for joints and spreadings of ideias.  We would like to know which the entities or on people from the "Our Media Network" will come to Brazil.  The Domabali is considering some activities about  multiculuralism and diversity in the media and is together with campaign CRIS.  Then if its entidde will come to the event, please in it informs them to make activities in set and to divulge the "our media network".

Please tell me what do you think...

soory my poor english


Paulo Rogério Nunes
Dombali - Multiculturalism and diversity in the media (www.dombali.org.br)

Paulo Rogério Nunes
"Every generation has a mission. It can fulfill it or betray it. " ( Frantz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth )

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