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"For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists." <[log in to unmask]>
Salvatore Scifo <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Sep 2008 11:15:19 +0200
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Salvatore Scifo <[log in to unmask]>
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Utilizing Community Media to Fight Poverty in a Digital Age

2 September, 2008. 

The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, AMARC, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,
SDC and the Division for Communication Development of UNESCO, in collaboration with the Communication for Social Change Consortium,
CFSC, are launching the publication "Fighting Poverty: Utilizing Community Media in a Digital Age". 

The publication contains articles, audio and video documents by practitioners, decision makers and scholars inviting to reflect
 on concrete examples on ICT for development and particularly the role of community media. 

For downloading, for comments and to order hard copies visit:

The publication captures the practitioner' reflections from an
interactive roundtable held at the first World Congress on
Communication for Development, WCCD in Rome

The ostensible subject of this publication is community media. The real focus of the text is on
democratic and sustainable development. It reflects the main interest
of those who support or are active in community radio, an interest
that does not centre on technology, equipment, infrastructure or
spectrum. Their interest focuses on participation, inclusiveness and
the increased influence of Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) on communication for development processes, in fighting

The book is a challenge to development policy makers, donor, civil
society and media organisations in resource poor countries who can
find an inspiration and reminders of just how central their role is in
fostering sustainable and democratic development. Putting the poor and
marginalised at the centre of development, this publication focuses on
the role of community media in underpinning democratic transition in
Nepal in 2006, on experiences in Latin America, in Kenya, in
francophone West Africa and in the role of new information and
communication technologies in facilitating the growth, the impact and
dynamism of community radio.

"Fighting Poverty: Utilizing Community Media n a Digital Age.
Practitioners' reflections from an interactive roundtable at the World
Congress on Communication for Development (WCCD)", demonstrates
concrete and tangible examples of the interactive and participatory
potential of ICTs within communication for development practices. This
book is a contribution to increase awareness on the WCCD Statement on
Community Media expressing the Rome consensus that recognized the
intrinsic value of ICTs in communication for development as well as
the vital role of community media in giving access to voice and
communication for poor and marginalised groups. For downloading the
book, audio and video files, for comments and to order hard copies,
visit: http://www.amarc.org/wccd/

AMARC is an international NGO serving the community radio movement
with more than 3500 members and associates in 110 countries. AMARC's
goal is to support and contribute to the development of community and
participatory radio in line with the principles of solidarity and
international cooperation. 705, Bourget, suite 100, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H4C 2M6, http://www,amarc.org
Contact Marcelo Solervicens, Secretary General AMARC ([log in to unmask] )

SDC promotes learning partnerships and works with partner
organisations to ensure that access to knowledge and information
through new and traditional means, is on the agenda in international
policy dialogues. Freiburgstrasse 130, CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland.
http://www.deza.ch/ict4d Contact Patrick Kalas, Programme Manager SDC
ICT4D ([log in to unmask])

UNESCO is the only UN agency with a mandate to support freedom of
expression and media pluralism. UNESCO's long-standing support for
community media and local ICT applications has been instrumental in
local communication development around the world. 7, place de
Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France. http://www.unesco.org Contact
Wijayananda Jayaweera, Director of the Division for Communication
Development, UNESCO ([log in to unmask] )