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Jack Byrne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Jack Byrne <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:53:08 +0100
text/plain (69 lines)
You should also contact Irish regulators Broadcasting Authority of  
Ireland (BAI) we have had some success in terms of regulating  
community media and the authority has been very supportive. A contact  
person would be Ciaran Kissane.
[log in to unmask]

Good luck.

Jack Byrne.

On 14 Jun 2010, at 04:06, G wrote:

> Dear OURmedia friends,
> (apologies for cross-posting)
> Urgent question regarding independent regulation agencies.
> In Japan, the government (constantly changing though the members  
> are) is
> considering finally (!) an independent broadcasting agency (so far  
> airwaves
> directly regulated by ministry of interior). A civil society group  
> called
> ComRights is feverishly gathering information on good examples (and  
> some bad
> ones) of independent regulating agencies from around the world. Does  
> anyone
> know of existing comparative studies or have on hand detailed info  
> about the
> independent regulators (independent from the government) of specific
> countries?
> Japanese colleagues are already currently collecting info from US, UK,
> France and Germany (and I have found some comparative data on EU  
> country's
> regulators), but hints for good examples in other countries would be  
> welcome
> and some notably bad ones too (word so far is: FCC is not so good-  
> though
> unfortunately now being considered as the main model- the planned  
> regulatory
> agency is even dubbed 'Japanese FCC', OFCOM is better, the regulator  
> in
> Germany's Northrhine-Westfahlia is pretty good. Any insights on  
> that?).
> We'd be interested also on information on how regulators relate to the
> community media sector(s) in each case (I've found some information  
> on that
> in comparative community radio reports).
> Please feel free to pass this question on to other people and lists  
> who you
> think may have leads, but when forwarding please cut out my e-mail  
> address
> in the header and instead include the signature below.
> Gabi
> ghprof(at)me.com
> PS: They are for now looking at broadcasting authorities ONLY, as the
> convergence law draft is on hold for the moment and industry bodies
> 'self-'regulate internet, game industry, etc. But obviously many  
> countries
> regulators cover multiple platforms, and this may also happen in Jp
> eventually.