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Wed, 21 May 2008 21:25:42 +0900
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Dear Colleagues-

Just heard from the Global Communication Journal that they are still looking
for contributions for their special issue on the Right to Communicate,
especially from an 'our media' perspective.

Young researchers, including graduate students are especially encouraged to
Announcement for the American Edition of GMJ
Special Fall 2008 issue on
The Right to Communicate: History, current debates, and future challenges
Deadline for Submissions: May 15, 2008
Editor: Dr. Aliaa Dakroury
Graduate Section Editor: Dr. Mahmoud Eid
Global Media Journal‹American Edition invites submissions of articles from
scholars for the refereed section as well as research papers from students
for the graduate research section for the Fall 2008 issue on ³The Right to
Communicate² (RTC).
Article (19) of the United Nations 1948 Universal Declaration of Human
Rights is considered to be the cornerstone of the concept of the human right
to communicate. It states that ³Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion
and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through
any media and regardless of frontiers.² However, the RTC contains within it
many ambiguities, especially today where the advance of technology is
creating new kinds of media. And so, many questions need to be answered. For
instance, what is the RTC? Does the RTC mean a total freedom of expression
regardless of frontiers? And what are those frontiers? How can this right be
practiced? And what are the mechanics of its enforcement? Who are the agents
enforcing a such right? What are the current global debates on the RTC, and
how valid are they? Finally, what are the future global challenges to
achieve such an idealistic right?
A major goal of this issue is to contribute to an intellectual and
multi-disciplinary framework of the RTC that will help better understand
different emerging issues in the practice of this important and complex
human right. Further, this issue aims to explore the interplay between the
various global legislations which frame the RTC. For instance, one might
consider the language found within Article 19 of the 1948 United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its relationship to the diverse
ethical practices and beliefs exercised in different corners of the world.
The editors are seeking innovative and critical approaches to the RTC,
especially within the context of todayıs digital era. Given the cross- and
inter-disciplinary boundaries of the theme, contributions from scholars,
activists, practitioners, and other related professionals are welcome.
Potential articles and research papers may draw on various theories and
approaches from different fields such as, but not limited to, communication,
human rights, political economy, sociology, law, media studies, etc.
Articles and research papers might address, but not be limited to, such
topics as:
-          Intellectual and philosophical history of the right to
-          Freedom of speech
-          Media access to information
-          Media ownership
-          ICTs and the right to communicate
-          Ethnicity, hybridity, and identity
-          International development
-          Internet and participation
-          Global digital divide
-          Intellectual property rights
-          e-democracy, e-voting, and e-government.
All articles and research papers must be submitted as Microsoft Word
attachments no later than May 15, 2008. For submission guidelines, please go
to http://lass.calumet.purdue.edu/cca/gmj/gmj_submission_guidelines.htm
<http://lass.calumet.purdue.edu/cca/gmj/gmj_submission_guidelines.htm> .
Articles which do not follow appropriate submission guidelines will not be
Please direct all inquires and submissions of the refereed section to Aliaa
Dakroury, Communication Program, Carleton University, at:
<mailto:adakrour[AT]connect.carleton.ca> . For the graduate research
section, please direct all inquiries and submissions to Mahmoud Eid,
Department of Communication, University of Ottawa, at: meid[at]uottawa.ca