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Christoph Dietz <[log in to unmask]>
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Christoph Dietz <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:06:58 +0100
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Promoting alternative views in a multipolar world: BRICS and their
evolving role in developing media markets
9th Symposium Forum Media and Development
Stuttgart, Germany: Robert Bosch Stiftung; Aachen: CAMECO, 2014, 75 p.


In the course of their economic expansion, the emergent powers have
recognized the value of “soft power” in international relations.
Especially the BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South
Africa, are no longer leaving the field of global communications to
Western nations. They are taking a more and more active role in the
allocation of information and images on the Internet and on television
screens, promoting alternative views on political, social, economic and
cultural discourses globally or in regions that are of strategic
interest for them.

China and Russia consider the expansion of international media as part
of their public diplomacy and counterbalance to Western-centric
perspectives. China is additionally involved, particularly in Africa, in
media development cooperation, and offers media training, collaboration
with local media, study trips for journalists, and investments for
technological innovations. India and Brazil, on the other hand,
influence the media and public-opinion market by way of their popular
private film and television industries.
- Soft power and emerging nations: Soft rise of the power of the rest /
Daya Thussu
- Media as Russia’s soft power instruments: improving international
public attitudes / Alexey Dolinskiy
- Objectivity is just another word for Russia bashing / Ivan Rodionov
- Russia dominates the information market in Kyrgyzstan / Elmira
- Chinese media development in Africa: From charm offensive to charm
defensive / Anbin Shi
- South African perceptions of Chinese soft power initiatives: A firm
place for China on the news agenda / Herman Wasserman
- China’s perspective on Africa is not yet mainstream / Jillo Kadida
- The Indian entertainment and media industry: Bollywood as India’s
soft power / Daya Thussu
- Effects of Indian soft power on audiences in the Middle East:
Favorable emotions and cultural images / Naila Hamdy
- Brazil’s cultural export to the Lusophone world as soft power: Desire
for shared cultural experience / Joseph Straubhaar
- Brazilian telenovelas and their public in Mozambique: Penetrating and
influencing daily life / Ouri Pota Pacamutondo


Christoph Dietz
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