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This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Tanya Notley <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:10:57 +1000
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Tanya Notley <[log in to unmask]>
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It's not too late to submit a paper to Asia's leading Media and
Communications conference to be held in Singapore on June 25/28. The Asian
Media and Communications Research Centre (AMIC) is this year jointly holding
its annual conference with the World Journalism Education Conference (WJEC).
While WJRC closed submissions earlier this month, AMIC papers will be
accepted until March 31.

(See: http://www.amic-wjec.org/conf_factsheet.htm )

AMIC is a unique, Asian centred Institution for Media and Communications
research and professional development. Established in 1970, AMIC has members
from Academia, Industry and Government in 28 countries.

AMIC offers a recognised and credible alternative to western paradigms where
Americans and Europeans dominated dialogue on Asian affairs. As AMIC's
Australian Board member, I urge you to tap into its unrivalled intellectual
reservoir of conferences, training sessions, journals, books papers and CDs.
(See: http://www.amic.org.sg/)

AMIC's part of the Singapore conference will explore "Media Education and
Development: The Quest for New Paradigms". Papers are invited on the
following themes and topics: Human Rights, Alternative and Community Media,
Media and Culture Media Education, Media and Youth Media, Conflict and
Crises, New Media and Digital Technology, Media and Development, Media Law
and Regulation, Media and Gender, Media, Democracy and Communication
Theories and Asian Perspectives, International Communication, Broadcasting
and Media Industry Trends and Dynamics.

Presentations at the conference can meet Australian DEST requirements.