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Shifting Landscapes of Film and Media:
Questioning Legacies, Navigating Critique
8 -9 - 10 September, 2007
keynote speakers
Toby Miller
Ravi Vasudevan
Ginette Vincendeau
In our 2006 conference, through contributions by prominent researchers and practitioners from Europe and beyond, we attempted to map the ever-changing landscapes of film and media in Europe. In 2007, the Shifting Landscapes conference will turn a critical eye to the realms of academic, institutional and industry practices with the hope of providing a discursive platform.
Today, radical shifts are discernible in the way(s) art/cultural products and knowledge are both produced and consumed. Transformations in social and political spheres; the emergence of new forms of civic culture; an overabundance of media partly due to digital technologies; ever-increasing intellectual and artistic output due to the former three; major changes in institutional structures; and, a more self-reflexive academic community that takes influence from, but is also critical toward, conceptual and paradigmatic canons are some of the factors that shape new forms of production and consumption, practices of theory and criticism. While some scholars see these changes as a major break with the past and search for new paradigms, others point to structural continuities beneath the surface. Last but not least, we also witness an innovative turn in approaches to film and media education and curriculum development in institutions worldwide-which prompts mixed reactions in the academic community.
The aim of this year's conference is to bring together film and media scholars as well as professionals (from film/media industry and from related institutions such as archives, research boards, museums, etc.) in order to encourage a collective effort of refreshing our thinking and understanding of contemporary production and consumption practices. Suggested areas of inquiry include but are not limited to:
Factors that determine the trajectory of film and media research and intellectual output; role of institutional and fiscal constraints (academic institutions; hierarchies; publishing industry; archives; research funding; etc); factors that determine the lifespan of a paradigm; power of curricular discourse; factors that shape artistic and industry practices; definitions of "cultural heritage" and power of such discourses; national and supranational media & communication policies; etc.
We invite contributions from researchers and professionals from a broad cross-section of related schools and disciplines.
Conference location: Istanbul Bilgi University, Dolapdere, Istanbul, Turkey
Please send paper abstracts (not to exceed 250 words) and queries to Ozge Ozyilmaz ( [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
Deadline for submissions: 15 June, 2007
url: http://filmandmedia.bilgi.edu.tr/
Early Registration Fee: 100 EUR <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_sign> - 70 EUR <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_sign> (student)
Late Registration Fee: 130 EUR <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_sign> - 100 EUR <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_sign> (student) / after 10 August, 2007 /