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Suman Basnet <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:14:05 +0545
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With apologies for cross-posting:


For immediate release: Community Radios to Fight Against Caste Based
Discrimination in Nepal


March 20, 2014, Kathmandu. On the occasion of International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21st March, the World Association of
Community Radio Broadcasters, AMARC Asia-Pacific, Association of Community
Radio Broadcasters of Nepal, ACORAB (http://acorab.org.np/), and the Jagaran
Media Centre, JMC (http://www.jagaranmedia.org.np/), have decided to work
jointly to mobilize community radios of Nepal against all kinds of
discriminations, especially against caste-based discrimination.  


As per a recently signed MOU, the three organizations will carry out
activities to highlight caste-based discrimination and to promote a more
equitable, inclusive and accountable democracy in Nepal. Activities will
include mobilization of community radios to broadcast specially produced
programs against discrimination that will include radio documentaries,
reportages, features, news items, call-in programs, interviews and
road-shows. Community radios have been appealed give special impetus to the
movement against caste-based discrimination through their programming. 


The decision of the three organizations follows the commitment expressed by
community radio broadcasters of Asia-Pacific region, as expressed during the
3rd AMARC Asia-Pacific Regional Conference held in Seoul, South Korea from
2-5 December 2013. The assembly in Seoul reiterated the commitment of the
community radio movement to work towards ending all kinds of discriminations
including caste-based discrimination. 


Caste-based discrimination, as highlighted by the Dalit movement is one of
the worst forms of discriminations in Nepal. Dalits, the discriminated
people under a traditional caste system, suffer social restrictions and
deprivation from economic opportunities, as well as a general neglect by the
state and society. More than twenty Dalit caste groups exist in Nepal. It is
estimated that the number of Dalit people in Nepal is about 13 percent of
the total population.



Through service to its members, networking and project implementation, the
World Association of Community Radios (AMARC) brings together more than
4,000 community radios, federations and community radio partners in more
than 130 countries. The main impact of AMARC since its foundation in 1983
has been to accompany and support the establishment of a global community
radio sector. AMARC does lobbying and advocacy for the right to
communication internationally, nationally and at the local and neighborhood
levels, and defends and promotes the interests of the community radio
movement through solidarity, networking and cooperation. For more
information, please contact Suman Basnet, Regional Coordinator for
Asia-Pacific, [log in to unmask] or visit





Suman Basnet

Regional Coordinator

AMARC Asia Pacific

Kathmandu, Nepal

Email:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] 

Web:  <http://ap.amarc.org/> http://ap.amarc.org/


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