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Christian Fuchs <[log in to unmask]>
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Christian Fuchs <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:18:09 +0100
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Christian Fuchs. 2022. Digital Capitalism: Media, Communication and 
Society Volume Three. London: Routledge.
Christian Fuchs. 2022. Foundations of Critical Theory. Media, 
Communication and Society Volume Two. London: Routledge.

More information and sample chapters:

“Digital Capitalism” illuminates what it means to live in an age of 
digital capitalism. Subjects covered include: digital positivism; 
administrative big data analytics; the role and relations of patriarchy, 
slavery, and racism in the context of digital labour; digital 
alienation; the role of social media in the capitalist crisis; the 
relationship between imperialism and digital labour; alternatives such 
as trade unions and class struggles in the digital age; platform 
co-operatives; digital commons; and public service Internet platforms. 
It also analyses specific examples, including the digital labour of 
Foxconn and Pegatron workers, software engineers at Google, online 
freelancers, as well as the political economy of 
targeted-advertising-based Internet platforms such as Facebook, Google, 
YouTube, and Instagram.

“Foundations of Critical Theory” explores the foundations of a critical 
theory of society, clarifying and updating key concepts in critical 
theory – such as the dialectic, critique, alienation, class, capitalism, 
ideology, and racial capitalism.

Media, Communication and Society is a series of books where Christian 
Fuchs explores the political economy of communication in contemporary 
society. Further volumes will analyse topics such as digital fascism, 
digital ethics, digital democracy, the digital public sphere, and 
digital alternatives.