For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists.


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Sender: "For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists." <[log in to unmask]>
From: clemencia rodriguez <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 20:58:50 -0500
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_3563211531_1761041007"
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Reply-To: clemencia rodriguez <[log in to unmask]>
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English: Dear OURMedia:


Nick Couldry and I just published an article in The Conversation. Please distribute widely:




Nick and I are lead authors of the Media and Communication chapter of the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP), an international initiative that has brought together approximately 250 scholars to examine the main issues in contemporary society in an attempt to formulate a diagnosis and clear a path toward more just communities (https://www.ipsp.org/). Chapter 13 on Media and Communication, written by a team of 14 international communication/media scholars and researchers, is a comprehensive diagnosis of media infrastructures vis a vis social progress and social justice (https://comment.ipsp.org/chapter/chapter-13-media-and-communications). The chapter ends with a ten-point action plan and a tool kit with specific actions for international organizations, civil society, and NGOs among other key actors.


Español: Estimad@s amigos de OURMedia:


Nick Couldry y yo publicamos un artículo en inglés en The Conversation. La versión en español salió publicada en La Jornada de Oriente en Mexico: http://www.lajornadadeoriente.com.mx/2016/09/21/medios-plataformas-digitales-factores-clave-la-desigualdad-global/


 Thanks/ Gracias! Clemencia


Clemencia Rodriguez


Department of Media Studies & Production

Temple University

Tomlinson 212

2020 N. 13th St. | Philadelphia, PA 19122

215 204 5752

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