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Wed, 11 Feb 2009 19:22:39 +0900
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2009 International Association of Media and Communication Research
Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico,
July 21‑24, 2009

Community Communication Section

Call for papers
‘If we are all communicating, is anyone listening?’ – John
Downing (2007)
Community-based media has a close – and contested – relationship
with information rights.  The overarching theme of IAMCR 2009 is
‘Human Rights Communication’, incorporating ‘freedom of
expression’ and ‘universal access to information and knowledge’.
IAMCR’s Community Communication section is therefore an important
opportunity to explore and debate the role of community and
alternative media from a rights perspective. Can community media
advance communication rights? How do we ensure that communities,
groups and individuals are given the means not only to speak, but to
be heard?
We seek in‑depth and cutting‑edge research papers on issues of
media access, participation and evaluation of outcomes; media projects
undertaken by marginalized and under‑represented groups; the
development and support of public and community‑based media
institutions and infrastructures; the production and distribution of
community and alternative media; and theoretical and historical
contributions to the field.

About the Community Communication Section
IAMCR’s Community Communication section is the premier international
forum for community and alternative media studies. This is the place
for research on media practices that differ significantly from
government and market‑dominated paradigms. Community and alternative
media originate, circulate and resonate from the sphere of civil
society, yet may interact with both state and market. Community media
serve specific cultural or geographic communities. The field includes
do‑it‑yourself media, media for social change, and a wide range of
non‑government and non‑commercial practices using all kinds of
communication technologies.

Guidelines for Participants
Individual or co-authored papers: Applicants must submit a 500 word
abstract that describes the topic of their paper and its significance,
the theoretical framework,  and research methods.
Panel proposals: The panel coordinator must submit a well‑defined
statement of purpose, a complete list of panel participants, and full
abstracts for each presentation.
All submissions should include a  paper title, as well as authors'
names, institutional affiliations  and full contact information
(mailing address, email address, and  telephone numbers).
Submissions in the authors’ native language must  also include an
English translation.  Submissions should not be submitted to more than
one IAMCR Section or Working Group.

Please send abstracts via the IAMCR 2009 conference website:

For further information or assistance, please contact the Community
Communication Section Chair,
Per Jauert, on :

Submitting to the Right Section
Please consider carefully which IAMCR section is most appropriate for
your paper. We cannot guarantee acceptance if your paper has been sent
to the wrong section in the first instance (as places are extremely
limited). Please contact the Community Communication section committee
well before the deadline if you are unsure.
·      Researchers examining community media for development purposes
should apply to the Participatory Communication Research section.

·      Researchers studying ethnic community media within a Diaspora
framework should apply to the Diaspora and Media working group.

Visit www.iamcr.org for more information about IAMCR Sections and
Working Groups.

Submission of abstracts: February 16, 2009
Submission results announced:  March 29, 2009