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Akina Mikami <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Oct 2010 14:46:17 +1000
text/plain (89 lines)
Dear OURMedia members,

*** New Issue of PLATFORM Journal Online! ***

PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication is pleased to announce
the publication of our new issue, Volume 2 Issue 2 "Collaborative
Media and Networked Publics". The new issue is available to view on
our revamped website at

This issue contains the following articles:

by Dale Leorke

Crowdsourcing for the Environment: The Case of Brighter Planet
by Jeff Biggar

London 2012: Distributed Imag(in)ings and Exploiting Protocol
by Paul Caplan

Wikipedia and the Politics of Mass Collaboration
by Nathaniel Tkacz

Promoting Civic Engagement Through Ethnic Media
by Sherry S. Yu and Daniel Ahadi

*** About the Journal ***
PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication is a fully refereed, open
access online graduate journal. Founded and published by the Media and
Communications Program, School of Culture and Communication,
University of Melbourne (Australia), PLATFORM was launched in November
2008. PLATFORM is refereed by an international board of established
and emerging scholars working across diverse fields in media and
communication studies and edited by graduate students at the
University of Melbourne. To submit an article, essay or review or for
more information, email us at [log in to unmask] or visit

*** Forthcoming Issues ***
Media Coverage and the Election 'Race' (March 2011)

Deadline for full paper submissions: 11 October, 2010
PLATFORM is currently seeking submissions from current graduate
students which critically examine issues of race and racism in media
coverage and analysis of elections and online deliberations around the
world. Submissions can explore any of the intersections between race,
identity, class, culture and history, but should explicitly focus on
these in relation to media and new communication technologies.
Suggested topics could include, but are by no means limited to:

- The interplay between race and mediatised democracy and online
- Race and the political economy of media
- Race and identity in political discourse and campaign rhetoric
- Race in policy and policy debates
- Race in neoliberal discourses and policy

To submit, please email us at [log in to unmask]

*** Apply to Peer Review ***
PLATFORM invites early career, PhD and Masters researchers to peer
review its scholarly submissions. If you would like to apply, please
submit a 150 word bio as well as a CV highlighting research projects,
publications and paper presentations to [log in to unmask]

*** Call for essays and reviews ***
PLATFORM is currently seeking short essays that promote and provoke
debate around contemporary issues in media and communications. Unlike
the main issues of the journal, essays are published all year round
and will not be refereed. Instead, PLATFORM editors will select the
essays that best combine theoretical knowledge with a strong personal
voice and which facilitate discussion around the chosen topic.

We also welcome reviews of recent works published in the field of
media and communications. Anyone may submit to the essays and reviews
section. Essays should be 2,000 - 4,000 words and reviews no more than
1,000 words.

To submit or for more information, contact:
Essays - Christopher Traficante ([log in to unmask])
Book Reviews - Ruhie Kumar ([log in to unmask])

PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication
URL: http://www.culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/platform
Email: [log in to unmask]