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"For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 May 2010 12:00:57 +1000
Akina Mikami <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Akina Mikami <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
Dear OURMedia members,

0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o- Is "open" the new black? 0-o-0-o-0-o-0-o-

With Mozilla Firefox pushing towards a 25% share of the web browser market
and the number of Creative Commons licensed works reaching more than 250
million in 2009, perhaps it is time to ask, "Is 'open' the new black?"
Hollywood, President Obama, Yoko Ono and even Coca-Cola are all
experimenting with new approaches to copyright management and
commercialisation designed to help, not hinder, digital sharing. The concept
of "open" has embedded itself across sectors, industries and communities
like an internet meme, which begs the question, "Why open?"

The new commons are flourishing on digital networks, bringing together
fields of academic thought, from computer science to economics, from
sociology to law. As these models proliferate, communities, platforms and
philosophies are emerging, but so are a number of issues. How successful are
collaborative projects at including a diverse range of people and adapting
and evolving to the changing media landscape? Are commercial models a
mutually beneficial use of user-generated content and user-led innovation,
or do they exploit their participants' efforts for profit? Will this space
hold true to Yochai Benkler's The Wealth of Networks or is this just a
digital rehash of the old problem of Garrett Hardin's "The Tragedy of the

And above all, should we be open 24/7? When should we flip the sign around?

In this special issue of PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication, guest
edited by Jessica Coates and Elliott Bledsoe in collaboration with the
Creative Commons Clinic at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative
Industries and Innovation, we encourage submissions by postgraduate students
working in media studies or related fields which critically examine the
legal, social and technical parameters of open source, open content and open
access. Possible topics might include:

* Can copyright build communities?
* Motivations for adopting open strategies; motivations for being
involved in open projects
* Open business models; what models are out there? What's working?
What's not? And what can we learn from them?
* Governmental and political trends towards transparency and how open
access can improve the democratic process
* Open Education; Open Educational Resources and their impact on
academies, classrooms and learning
* Open design; conceptualising, manufacturing and distributing products
from open schematics
* Open formats and open standards
* Measuring the commons; metrics, analytics and tracking the impact of
open initiatives


17 May 2010: Abstracts/Proposals (500-800 words)
5 July 2010: Full Papers (6,000-8,000 words, including 200 word abstracts
and six keywords)

Submissions to: [log in to unmask] Please include 'Platform
Special Issue Submission' in the subject line.

All submissions to PLATFORM must be from current graduate students (no more
than 6 months after graduation) undertaking their Masters, Ph.D. or
international equivalent. We recommend that prospective authors submit
abstracts for approval by the editors before the 17 May 2010 deadline to
allow for feedback and suggestions, however full papers may still be sent
after this date as long as we receive them by 5 July 2010.

All eligible submissions will be sent for double-blind peer-review. Early
submission is highly encouraged as the review process will commence on
submission. Please read the Submission Guidelines before submitting work.

For more information contact:
Jessica Coates, Jessica Coates, Project Manager, Creative Commons Clinic,
ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, 07 3138
8301, [log in to unmask]


PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication invites early career, PhD and
Masters researchers to peer-review its scholarly submissions. If you would
like to apply, please submit a 150 word bio as well as a CV highlighting
research projects, publications and paper presentations.

Thank you,

Akina Mikami
Master of Global Media Communication
BA (Hons)(Media and Communications)
Dip. in Modern Languages in French
The University of Melbourne
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Journal Manager
PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication