Tue, 31 Aug 2010 18:06:26 +0100
Dear all,
workshop coming up on database film-making:
The 'Symphony of Deptford' workshop will introduce participants to
database film-making where material and images from the Deptford.TV
archive will be edited to create a 'Symphony of Deptford'.
Date: 29th October - 31st October, 12pm-5pm
RSVP only: Interested person should please RSVP with phone number &
state your specific interest: a.hadzi(a)gold.ac.uk (limited space!).
all the best,
Symphony of Deptford.
Footage taken from Deptford.TV was filmed during a previous TV hacking
workshop where participants equipped with CCTV surveillance signal
receivers were lead through the city by incoming surveillance camera
signals. CCTV video signal receivers cached surveillance camera signals
into public and private spaces and were made visible: surveillance
became sousveillance.
By making images visible which normally remain hidden, we gain access to
the “surveillance from above” enabling us to use these images to create
personal narratives of the city. The Images of Ebb workshop will look at
constructing a narrative to the Sounds of Ebb.
Sound of Ebb (a branch project of The End of Something) is an open
source sound series that asks sound artists and artists working with
sound to respond to the question: What is the sound of Recession?
Contributions are collected internationally reflecting the affects of
crisis and recession from various social contexts and geographic
locations. Together the Sounds of Ebb and images from Sousveillance
produce articulations of a local city in crisis with global resonances
of recession.
Deptford.TV is a research project on collaborative film - initiated by
Adnan Hadzi in collaboration with the Deckspace media lab, Bitnik media
collective, OWN project, Liquid Culture initiative, and Goldsmiths College.
It is an online media database documenting the urban change of Deptford,
in Sout East London. Deptford TV functions as an open, collaborative
platform that allows artists, filmmakers and people living and working
around Deptford to store, share, re-edit and redistribute the
documentation of Deptford. http://deptford.tv
Interested person should please RSVP with phone number & state your
specific interest: a.hadzi(a)gold.ac.uk (limited space!)