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Oklahoma Writing Project


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"Griffith, Priscilla L." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Aug 2009 09:46:31 -0500
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From: Perry, Karin M.
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 8:43 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Griffith, Priscilla L.; [log in to unmask]
Subject: Call for Back-To-School Stories, Rememberances, and Poems

We are working on creating our first Ezine. (Electronic magazine)  I'd like our first issue to contain any type of story (fiction or non-fiction) or poem about school or going back-to-school.  All OWP fellows are welcome to submit something for this important edition.  Depending on the amount of response everyone might not be included, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

This is going to be a fast turn around so please - go to your computer right now and start typing.  Please send Karin Perry your story/poem by Friday, August 28th.  Hopefully our first issue can come out on September 1st!

Send your email to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with OWP Ezine in the subject line.

Please type in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Thanks and I look forward to reading everyone's submissions.

Karin Perry
Library Media Specialist
Whittier Middle School
Norman, OK