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Oklahoma Writing Project


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Audra Plummer <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Jun 2013 20:15:35 -0700
text/plain (1937 bytes) , text/html (17 kB) , Symposium Flier.pdf (506 kB)

 Power of Teaching 
June 21, 2013

Moore Norman Technology Center
4701 12th Avenue NW
Norman, Oklahoma 73069

9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-10:15 Panel Discussion featuring:
Benjamin L. Bates--Professor, Langston University, National Writing Project Board of Directors
Jane Bowen--Superintendent Moore Norman Technology Center
Josh Flores Director of Language Arts State Department of Education
Dr. Gregg Garn-Dean of Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education; University of Oklahoma
Bob Melton--Science Curriculum Specialist/District Testing Coordinator-Putnam City Schools 

Panel Topic: The Impact of CCSS on Oklahoma Students 
Concluding with Q & A from audience

10:15-10:25 Refreshment Break
10:25-11:10 Breakout Session 1
11:15-Noon Breakout Session 2

Engaging and Active Breakout Session
Hands on Activities implementing CCSS
Impacts of OWP Summer Institute 
Teacher Leader Effectiveness (TLE)
Technology in your classroom

Come and learn what the future holds
for Oklahoma schools
Discover how Oklahoma Writing
Project can help you meet your needs as you implement Common Core Standards in
your classroom.
Register online at:  http://tinyurl.com/teachingsymposium

Register at OWP Website:   http://owp.ou.edu 

Cost: $25.00 per person*
*Guest of 2013 Summer Institute Fellow attend for FREE

Registration Deadline: June 14, 2013 


Audra Plummer  M. Ed.
National Board Certified Teacher
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
University of Oklahoma
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Phone: 405-401-1348

FAX: 405-325-7841

Teachers Teaching Teachers