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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: Oklahoma Writing Project <[log in to unmask]>
From: Audra Plummer <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 19:09:37 -0800
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Parts/Attachments: text/plain (10 kB) , text/html (89 kB) , 2013 March CCSS Conference Flier.pdf (284 kB)
Setting Our Sails on Success
How to Prepare for Upcoming Writing Assessments
And Common Core Writing Standards
	* Sessions designed to help teachers prepare students for upcoming writing assessments.
	* OWP Teacher Consultants will deconstruct the 5th Grade Transitional Writing Rubric during first session at all grade levels.
	* OWP Teacher Consultants will provide authentic student samples to allow participants to use rubrics and demonstrate how rubrics guide instruction.
	* 1st-5th grade teachers will be exposed to appropriate grade level writing activities that are aligned with C3standards and CCSS Standards.
	* Presentations will include practical, developmentally appropriate ideas to build writing skills and literacy while transitioning to Common Core Standards in the elementary classroom. 
	* Participants will learn the writing process and other helpful classroom strategies.   
	* Participants will be actively involved and leave with lessons that can be immediately implemented.

March 2, 2013
USAO Campus-Gary Hall
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Cost: $40.00 per person
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-10:15 Session 1
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Session 2

Sessions will focus on elementary classrooms 1st -5th Grade
To meet the needs of 5th grade teachers, there will be 4 different instructors with a total of 8 different sessions for 5thgrade teachers.  Schools/Districts are encouraged to send several teachers to help gather information for their site. 
Register online at http://owp.ou.edu
Or http://tinyurl.com/USAOSetSailConference
Questions Contact: Audra Plummer [log in to unmask]
Sessions Scheduled at this time
Session One:  9:00-10:15
Room 1    “Helping Early Writers to Know the Ropes”  Target Audience 1st and 2nd Grade
Kara Jaques, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Charlotte Fieker, NBCT, Putnam City Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
How can we help our early writers become more prepared for the 5th grade writing test?  In order to help our students for this future test, we will compare the 1st and 2nd grade common core standards to the 5th grade standard.  Then we will look at the sample 5th grade spring writing prompts for opinion, informative and narrative writing test and extract what we do and what we need to be working on to increase student success on this future test.
Room 2  “Mapping Out the Voyage”  Target Audience 3rd and 4th Grade
Kim Schooler, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Yasmin Merchant, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Do the CCSS for writing seem as vast as the ocean? As we set sail for hidden treasure (great writing) we first need to map out our voyage.  In this session teachers will dig into the Oklahoma C3 Writing Rubric. Participants will examine differences between old and new rubric versions, map out areas of current proficiency within their own teaching, learn to clear the fog and deconstruct the new writing prompts, removing fear and keeping the sirens at bay.  Student samples and how to score them will be shared.
Room 3, 4, 5, 6  “Navigating the Waters of Writing  Target Audience 5th Grade
            Stacey Howard, Tecumseh Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Donna McMullen, NBCT, Putnam City Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Johnnie Keel, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Brandi Burks, NBCT, Tecumseh Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant 
Keep your students sailing through the writing waters by learning skills that prepare and set the course for success on the upcoming writing test!  In this session, you will be introduced to the Oklahoma C3 Writing Rubric and learn to break a part the prompt.  You will view student samples and gain insight into the Common Core voyage.  The State Department has posted prompts to the upcoming writing assessment, however there are no scored student samples posted at this time.    OWP TC’s have had their own students write to these SDE provided prompts. This session is a must for 5th grade teachers!
There will be four sessions with each of the above presenters.  Schools may want to send enough staff to hear each presenter and collect information from each session.
Room 7  “Technology in the Common Core Classroom” Target Audience 1st-5thGrade
Dr. Vickie Hinkle, Mid America Christian College, OWP Teacher Consultant
Jamie Johnson, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
What are the technology needs of your school to be successful with CCSS implementation?  What types of activities can you teach in your classroom to prepare your students?  Come to this session to learn what technology will look like in the CCSS classrooms. 
Session Two:  10:30-11:45
Room 1    “All Little Hands on Deck For Common Core”  Target Audience 1st and 2nd Grade
Kara Jaques, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Charlotte Fieker, NBCT, Putnam City Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
The basis of all education begins with early education teachers.  We begin teaching our students how to write using CCSS standards through small steps in all early grade levels.  By teaching the types and purposes of Common Core Writing (Opinion, Informative, and Narrative) in primary grades you will ensure our students are able demonstrate proficiency on future writing assessments.  In this session, you will experience all writing types and receive strategies to implement best writing practice into your classroom. 
Room 2  “Set Sail for Hidden Treasure”  Target Audience 3rd and 4th Grade
Kim Schooler, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Yasmin Merchant, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Your voyage is mapped and you’re ready to begin.  Teachers will set sail for hidden treasure and discover a treasure trove of gems (mini lessons) they can immediately put into place in their classroom to bolster writing instruction. Don’t feel like you have to abandon ship!  From here on out it will be smooth sailing!
Room 3   “On a Quest for Success!”  Target Audience 5th Grade
            Stacey Howard, Tecumseh Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Teachers will learn a variety of strategies to use across the curriculum with the Six Traits to further develop student writing.  We will explore narrative, informational, and opinion writing through mini lessons that are aligned with the Common Core Standards.  Participants will be actively involved in activities they will be able to use in their own classroom, and have the opportunity to collaborate with one another to further develop ideas and offer extensions.  Lessons are guided by the new Oklahoma State Writing Test Rubric.
Room 4   “Charting the Course for Common Core!  Target Audience 5th Grade
Donna McMullen, NBCT, Putnam City Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
Participants in this workshop will gain confidence and new ideas that put them at the helm to chart success for their students.  With an emphasis on the fifth grade rubric and the three modes of Common Core writing, Opinion, Informational and Narrative, they will find their bearings in the uncharted waters of Common Core through student writing samples, writing activities and sharing of ideas!
Room 5  “Writing in Rough Waters ”   Target Audience 5th Grade
Johnnie Keel, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
You don't have to jump ship to survive the writing tests and common core standards.  Informed teachers promote deeper thinking and higher classroom performance.  Participants will learn best practices and instructional strategies for any mode of writing.  Learn how to interpret the writing prompts and navigate the rubrics.  Get your students out of the shallow water into deeper thinking for writing success.
Room 6  “Navigating through Non Fiction”   Target Audience 5th Grade
Brandi Burks, NBCT, Tecumseh Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant 
In this workshop participants will learn classroom proven strategies to give students the skills to set sail as writers. The workshop will provide information on using non fiction text in the classroom and provide skills to help students navigate through it.  Participants will be given ideas to implement immediately in their own classrooms. They will be guided through the common core writing objectives, use the state writing rubric to identify necessary skills, and develop a toolbox of classroom strategies.
Room 7  “The Magic of One iPad” Target Audience 1st-5thGrade
            Jamie Johnson, NBCT, Norman Public Schools, OWP Teacher Consultant
            Dr. Vickie Hinkle, Mid America Christian College, OWP Teacher Consultan
What can be done with only ONE ipad and an entire group of learners?  Come experience what you can do with limited technology resources that causes unlimited learning!



Audra Plummer  M. Ed.
National Board Certified Teacher
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
University of Oklahoma
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Phone: 405-401-1348

FAX: 405-325-7841

Teachers Teaching Teachers