Teachers,Do we want to see what OWP Summer Institute looks like? Come to this summit and get a taste for the OWP Invitational Summer Institute!This summit will be 5 Days of Hands on Literacy, Collaborating with Peers, learning literacy strategies and incorporating Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Discounted if you have a peer come from your school with you! See costs below!
Direct Registration Link: Connecting the Pieces Registration Link
Questions? Audra Plummer [log in to unmask]
Audra Plummer M. Ed.Co-Director of InserviceOklahoma Writing ProjectUniversity of OklahomaJeannine Rainbolt College of Education338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190Norman, Oklahoma 73019Phone: 405-310-8966
OWP Office Phone: 405-325-2873FAX: 405-325-7841https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://okwp.org__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7z1CO80YftkKWH-Aidn6ynZUSiWHsBSz1h0w9AJarr_AfaNWT7AQHNxKdCH8QsJQlMIyb6mBxoa8Td9xrw_T3Wc$ [okwp[.]org]
Teachers Teaching Teachers