Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:25:15 +0000
Free Professional Development Opportunity--Bringing OAS Standards to LIFE
Saturday, April 30, 2022 11:30 am -1:00 pm Online Virtual Session Using Zoom *Link will be sent to those who are registered
Multimodal texts - Use image, sound, or gesture in addition to words - have become increasingly common in and outside of schools. Come to this session, to learn about how to incorporate multimodality across the writing process in ways that engage students and promote creative approaches to composition.
Come be a part of this Oklahoma Writing Project Event connecting teachers from all over the state!
Please join Brady Nash from University of Texas as he shares about Multimodal Texts in today's classrooms.
Register Below: Save your seat today!
Using Multimodal Texts OWP Session
Audra Plummer M. Ed.Co-Director of InserviceOklahoma Writing ProjectUniversity of OklahomaJeannine Rainbolt College of Education338 Cate Center Drive, Room 190Norman, Oklahoma 73019Phone: 405-310-8966
OWP Office Phone: 405-325-2873FAX: 405-325-7841
Teachers Teaching Teachers