Sat, 1 Feb 2003 11:08:05 -0600
Good Saturday, all...
Two of our PWA members are in print.
ACE Fantasy recently published Deborah Chester's latest opus, The
Queen's Gambit. This is a continuation of the Sword, Ring, Chalice
saga, and picks up some months after Chalice left off. And ... the book
has her picture in it! (Along with a bio, where you learn that she knows
how to use a sword. Beware!)
Vicky Woodward, PW grad student who's taking a "sabbatical" to work on a
special project with her husband, sold her short story "The Southpaw
Bleus" to Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. It's in the March issue,
which I found at Barnes and Noble. (Borders didn't have any the night I
went.) Buy the magazine, read the story, and think about questions
you'd like to ask, because...
Vicky has agreed to be guest speaker at this Thursday's PWA meeting.
(That's Thursday, February 6, 7 pm, Copeland Hall Room 340.) She'll
talk about the struggle to get into print (including things like finding
an agent) and focus on getting this story sold. Bring questions.
Last item: tell your PW friends and fellow students about our list, and
urge them to join us on line. They can address any questions to me at
[log in to unmask] I'll be glad to help them signed on to the list.
See you Thursday...
kent graham