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Mary Ross <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 20:38:51 -0500
text/plain (15 lines)
     I was thinking maybe we can call ahead to Borders to warn them there's
a group coming. That is...if there are going to be more than just a few of
us.  So does Thursday at 7pm work for enough people to make it worth a phone
call?  If we need to, we could try having meetings a couple different nights
so anyone who wants to can attend at least one.
     I think regular meetings would be a great way to help hold each other
accountable for actually writing...those of us that no longer have Chester
or Davis hanging over our heads, that is. No offense intended, of course.
     So basically I just want to try to get a rough estimate for Thursday
night.  Right now I know Matt and me.  I think we're both pretty open in the
evenings so if you guys would like to suggest another night instead, we're
open for it.