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PWA Inside Talk <[log in to unmask]>
Kent Graham <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:40:48 -0600
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PWA Inside Talk <[log in to unmask]>
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Borders is going into Chapter 11 (but the Norman store is not closing).  
Here's the most recent news release.  (Follow this link 
see the closings list.)

        Borders' Business Operations Continue As Normal

In light of the ongoing impact of the difficult economy of the past few 
years, and the rapidly changing retailing environment for books and 
related products, it is essential that Borders restructure itself to 
reposition its business to be viable and successful over the long term.

To that end, we have determined the best route to undertake the 
necessary reorganization of our business is through the filing of a 
petition for reorganizational relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy 

Please be assured that during this reorganization period:

    * *_Borders stores are open for business._*We will continue to
      provide our customers with a vast assortment of books in a warm
      and relaxing environment - and we intend to build on this. Our
      stores will continue to be places where families can gather to
      enjoy enriching events including author readings and signings,
      book clubs as well as kids storytime and parties.

    * * <>is operating as usual._*We
      are fulfilling online orders as customers choose from among more
      than two million books, music, movies as well as other
      entertainment items.

    * *_Our Borders Rewards programs, including Borders Rewards Plus,
      remain in effect._*Customers can continue to earn and redeem their
      Rewards in stores and <>and
      they'll also continue receiving coupons. As always,*we are
      honoring gift cards*, which can be redeemed in stores and online <>.

    * *_Borders will continue to maintain its strong national
      presence._*Our nationwide network of stores is a key foundation of
      the Borders brand. Borders, however, will be closing
      underperforming stores within our network over the next several
      weeks. Should your local store be affected, please <>to find another Borders
      store near you, or to purchase our vast selection of books and
      other merchandise on-line.

Through this process, we intend to put in place a sound financial 
structure, enhance Borders' technology to better benefit you, our 
customers and introduce new and exciting products related to our book 
offerings - all while providing you with great customer service