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Richard Adkins <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:12:42 -0500
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Good evening,

Now that I realize the TRUE name of the group is Professional Writers
Association I am able to sign on and contribute. With a name PW Anonymous I
felt it only appropriate to remain, anonymous.

Tonight's meeting of the PWA was a very nice success. So much so that we've
already scheduled a sequel for October 20 at Barnes & Noble on Ed Noble
Parkway for 8:00. I spoke with a manager there named Sarah who said she
would reserve an area for us (approx. 15 seats) just south of main Starbucks
area. It should be marked with a PWA sign by the time we arrive that night.

The book collection will reach a milestone next Wednesday. I'll be taking
the boxes of books to a drop-off center somewhere. If you have a book or
books to donate, please bring them in as soon as possible.

As for the personal stuff that is supposed to go into a First Post to the
group, I'm Richard Adkins. Most people call me Rick. I'm a writer, a husband
and a true sooner. True sooner because I was born here, as was my father and
his father and his father settled here before the land run. At 47 I'm fairly
well traveled having lived in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, England,
and Scotland with visits to most of Europe as well as the rest of North
America both north and south of the border. I love to travel.

Things I would like to get from this group are new friends and new skills. I
would like to find someone willing to critique my work and have their work
critiqued. Hopefully we can both benefit.
