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Vicky Woodward <[log in to unmask]>
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Open discussions on the writer's craft <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:13:31 -0600
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So that's what that smell is.

On 11/10/05, Deborah Chester <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I like Rick's suggestion of meeting at Hastings. Breathing all the
> formaldehyde fumes from book and magazine ink always inspires me. Besides, I
> just like the ambiance of all those rowed-up books. Maybe the cafe offers
> something for Matt to eat. Hope we can have a good turnout!
> And if someone doesn't want to meet at Hastings, speak up! We all have our
> opinions.
> As for the book situation, Cat Bark -- our intrepid librarian -- has
> offered to store the books for us until the ALA can take them. I like that
> solution. Rick reports that B&N seemed disorganized about our previous
> donation. So we could give the books we have now into Cat's keeping, and
> then in future we can collect books either for our own pizza drive (writers
> need brain food!) or people can still specify if they want to donate books
> to rebuild libraries.
> What think you?
> DC
> Deborah Chester
> Professor
> Professional Writing
> Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication
> University of Oklahoma
> Norman, OK 73019-2051
> Ph: (405) 325-4192
> [log in to unmask]