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Sender: PWA Inside Talk <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 14:19:31 -0500
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From: Deborah Chester <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi, all --
I want to urge all of you who can to drop in at Pepe del Gados on campus corner at 1 p.m. this Saturday for our first PWA meeting.  (Pepe's does have great food.)   I'll be coming back to Norman that afternoon, and don't know whether I'll arrive in time to attend, but those tortillas are calling my name.  With homecoming festivities going on, many of you will be busy, but, those of you who are free, please come and start discussing how to manage our lounge.  If keys are that restricted, our use of the facility will be challenged.  We are creative people, though, and we'll come up with a solution.  A quiet hangout for writing ... or reading ... sounds good, doesn't it?

Ken Claassen has been fitted with a new chair, and we hope it's going to fit more easily into the Copeland Hall elevator should we decide to hold future meetings in our lounge.

Josh Whitmore, a PW alum, reports that he's sacked up some books to donate to our lending library.  He loves to read fantasy, and there's a chance that he'll part with some titles in that genre.  Will the rest of you start thinking about cleaning out your bookshelves for anything you don't want to keep?  Remember that doing so makes room for those new titles you want to read.

Reminder:  The Norman Public Library's annual book sale is coming up, October 28-29.  There are bargains to be had there, even if you decide you don't want to share any of them with PWA.  At least give the library some support.

Write on,

Deborah Chester
John Crain Presidential Professor
Professional Writing
Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK  73019-2051
Ph: (405) 325-4192
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