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Matthew Buell <[log in to unmask]>
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PWA Inside Talk <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Dec 2005 08:00:38 -0500
text/plain (6 lines)
Well, I think this is far enough down the line to say that I'm interested in hosting a little writing party at my place on the 16th (that would be next Friday).  Any one would be welcome after 8pm, as I should be home from work by that time.  I'm hoping that it will just be a fun, sort of cool down from the crazy semester of writing kind of get together, and everyone on the list is invited (although I'm sure with that being the end of finals, either most will be konked out, or in process of leaving for homes in other states).
My address is 1125 E Brooks St in Norman, at Summerpointe Apartments by 12th and Lindsey (the one past campus, away from I-35).  If you need further instructions, you can call my cell any time at 918-645-0967.
Hope to see a few of you there at least :)
