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Sender: Open discussions on the writer's craft <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 18:02:46 -0500
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Well, unfortunately, my small room means that I have a small book collection. And even to make room for those I had to sacrifice several pairs of jeans so I could put them in one of my drawers. But I can definitly afford to make more room and donate them, all except my Xanth books. I can't part with the Xanth books...

Anyhow, I can't believe how many emails I got in a 48 hour period, whew, thats what I get for not checking in two days.

Is this supposed to be just a general discussion type thing or what? I have never been involved with anything like this before and was just curious about what to do with it. Because I can make small talk until the sun goes down, and then some.