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Matt Buell <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 18:48:31 -0400
text/plain (15 lines)
Yeah, long time lurker, first time poster (practically...), but anyways, I guess the next meeting will be more formal than last time?

In any case, how does Mon (10/6) or Weds (10/8) at 7pm or 8pm sound to people?  Personally, I couldn't make the Mon meeting, but Weds is cool.  (Work drains all ability to communicate with other human beings...customer service, go figure)

I guess I might as well introduce myself while I'm in between yelling customers...

I'm Matthew Buell, senior in Professional Writing, and trying the near impossible task of tackling writing three novels in one semester...well, I guess 2 half finished ones, but the one I'm working on with a friend DOES need to be finished, so call me crazy, heh.

I'm also working on my personal website, as well as helping to build the Professional Writers Anonymous website (it's coming along, slowly but surely, grr on this HTML).

Okay, I hope this was relevant enough to deserve a read through, and not just make people angrily click the delete button after reading this :P

Lates, peeps :)