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Martha Bedard <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
SCCPLA - SCC Planning Committee <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Apr 2006 17:22:57 -0500
text/plain (43 lines)
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for the suggestion-- we are just about finished lining up all
our speakers-- but I will definitely keep him in mind and forward this
info to the rest of the program committee if anyone we had planned on
falls through.  We are indeed planning a great meeting in College
Station-- if you have never been here, you may be in for a surprise at
all we have here!   Hope to see you then.  martha

>>> "Goff, Marilyn" <[log in to unmask]> 04/04 3:09 PM >>>
Dear Martha: 

I must begin by apologizing for any duplication of this email since my
email has been working poorly in recent days. I realize that you may
want or need a suggestion for speakers for the SCC/MLA conference in
College Station 20-24 October 2006, but in the event that you do, one
name is suggested from members of the Governmental Relations Committee
of the current membership:  Jim Hightower. On the web at  Jim Hightower promotes involvement in
government and promotes activism. His background, as you may know,
includes birth in Denison, Agriculture
Commissioner, Texas Adopt a Beach cleanup, and other ecological and
populist concerns. He has spoken fondly of librarians and libraries in
several public speeches I have attended, but I do not know if he is
familiar with medical librarians. He has published several books. I do
know that he speaks to encourage people to become active in and take
responsibility for political matters surrounding them.  I feel that in
my role as Governmental Relations chair, I should take responsibility
for forwarding his name for consideration with the Program Committee
I hope this suggestion is of some help to the Committee. Again,
apologies if this suggestion is not needed at this time, and if my
PC actually worked to send a prior email your way (TWU's email is very
iffy some days, I am afraid). Finally, I want to thank you for your
to produce what I am sure will be a wonderful conference in College

Marilyn Goff TWU Houston Medical Librarian 4 April 06