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Students for Social and Economic Change


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unicorn epiphany <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 13:20:47 -0800
text/plain (53 lines)
  We near Finals, and the snow has caused problems for
  many people right now.

  If you find you can not attend the meeting with
  the current _Undercurrent_ staff tomorrow but you
  still want to make your voice heard, please e-mail
  me your thoughts at [log in to unmask]
  as soon as you might.  Around 4:30 PM Friday, I
  shall print up the e-mails and take them to the

  Please, in your e-mailing, be very specific about
  your complaints, frustrations, or confusions.
  Please don't simply point out flaws with the
  current newspaper and its staff but offer specific
  solutions.  For example, if trust is an issue, how
  might the current staff regain trust?  If their
  editorial selection policy seems to be arbitrary
  or motivated by personal politics rather than by
  assessment of quality and relevance, what would
  you suggest they do to fix this problem?

  If you think a specific individual is responsible
  for many of the problems, such as some have
  criticized Eric, well, you need to be there in
  person.  The issue of an individual's credibility
  is not easily handled in an e-mailing.  You may
  mention your lack of faith in someone's credibility
  in your e-mailing if you wish, but I won't be able
  to speak on your behalf on that issue.

  Finally, if you can actually give your full name
  and give me permission to give out copies of your
  e-mailing, that would help credibility all the more.
  However, there are valid reasons for anonymity,
  such as the rumors that one editor is violent when
  criticized, so better your thoughts with a pseudonym
  than no comments at all.

  Thank you.  If the _Undercurrent_ wants to consider
  frustrations in the progressive/liberal communities
  and take a Y approach to conflict, this should all
  work out for the best.  If the _Undercurrent_ has
  no agenda beyond defending itself and being left
  alone and/or takes an X approach to conflict, this
  will be a difficult meeting at best.

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