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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: "COLOQUIO: TEATRO DE LOS SIGLOS DE ORO" <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 20:27:14 +0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Reply-To: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
NB de ARL: ¡Felicitaciones, Joe, por este gran honor! Abrazos.

From: Joseph V Ricapito [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 10:08
To: Maria Ricapito ([log in to unmask]); [log in to unmask]; Ruth Fine; Robert J. Glickman; Hinojosasmith, R R; VINCENT CHIARELLO; Chet Jakubowski (Not Liz); [log in to unmask]; Vincenzo Arcobelli ([log in to unmask]); Hilda Edelist; Frank Cartledge; Christian Fernandez-Palacios; Campbell, R. Joe; Michael De Marco; DR. ROBERT LIMA, OIC; Dietmar Rietschier; Italian American Digest; Rodriguez-Mansilla, Fernando; Raymond Moody ([log in to unmask]); Rafael Orozco; [log in to unmask]; Russo, John Paul; Richmond Eustis ([log in to unmask]); Raul Flores ([log in to unmask]); John R Baker ([log in to unmask]); James Oxley ([log in to unmask]); Juan Ricapito ([log in to unmask]); John and Cathryn Lombardi; Jose Garza; Gil Fagiani; Fausto Falsetta; Adelaide M Russo; Fred Misurella; Fiore, Robert L - (fiore) ([log in to unmask]); Gene Wolkoff ([log in to unmask]); George Guida; Gaines M Foster; Giron Negron, Luis ([log in to unmask]); Giuseppe Ricapito ([log in to unmask]); Hector Zapata; Harold Levinson ([log in to unmask]); Paul E Hoffman; Ignacio NAVARRETE ([log in to unmask]); Isabel Torres ([log in to unmask]); Ignacio Díez ([log in to unmask]); [log in to unmask]; Christopher Eustis; John D Pizer; [log in to unmask]; José Manuel Losada Goya ([log in to unmask]); Nicolas Kariouk; Kevin L Cope; [log in to unmask]; Lauer, A Robert; Louis J Thibodeaux; Maria Ricapito ([log in to unmask]); Manuel Fontes ([log in to unmask]); Rodriguez-Mansilla, Fernando; Michael J McGrath ([log in to unmask]); 'Ted Mcvay ([log in to unmask])'; Michael Gabriel ([log in to unmask]); [log in to unmask]; Maralena Murphy ([log in to unmask]); Nelson Boudreaux ([log in to unmask]); Nicholas Koss ([log in to unmask]); Associazione Internazionale Pugliesi Nel Mondo ([log in to unmask]); Óscar Perea Rodríguez; robert oppedisano ([log in to unmask]); Philippe Treuille; Francisco Parra Luna; Paolo Chirumbolo; John D Pizer; Peter Carravetta ([log in to unmask]); [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; Sideli, Kathleen A; Stefano Luconi; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; Howard Wescott; Riggan, William E. Jr.; Yoshio Nishimoto; Ahmad S Xallen
Subject: FW: Felicicationes

Dear Friends:  Celebrate with me this honor.  Best, Joe Ricapito

Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 7:59 AM
To: Joseph V Ricapito <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Felicicationes

Mi querido Joseph:
Le mando el comunicado de prensa que hemos cursado a miembros de la ANLE y medios de información.
Covarrubias ya ha pedido para usted el diploma de correspondiente de la Real Academia Española.
Un abrazo

Gerardo Piña-Rosales
Director, Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
Correspondiente de la Real Academia Española
(845) 354-6799
(845) 729-9306

Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Tel.: 405-325-5845 (office); 405-325-6181 (dept.); Fax: 405-325-0103 (dept.)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
< Vita<http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/L/A-Robert.R.Lauer-1/vita.html> / Ibérica<http://www.peterlang.com/Index.cfm?vSiteName=SearchSeriesResult.cfm&vLang=D&iHerausgeber=&iTitel=I&iStichwort=&iISSN=&vSeriesID=IBERICA> / BCom<http://www.comediantes.org/> / ACal<http://www.unav.es/griso/docs/publicaciones/Acal/principal.html> / Anagnórisis<http://www.anagnorisis.es/> / Estudios Hispánicos<http://www.estudios.uni.wroc.pl/> / AsocCervantistas <http://hispanismo.cervantes.es/asociaciones_ficha.asp?DOCN=4> / ColCervantes<http://www.ou.edu/cervantes/coloquiocervantes.html> / ColTeatro<http://www.ou.edu/teatro/coloquioteatro.html> / Intute<http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=20091112-13174791> >