Norman Campus ProCard users


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"Robert E. Shalhope" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:06:34 -0500
text/plain (36 lines)
Why am I being besieged with e-mails addressed to you regarding the
pro-card. I would greatly appreciate it if you could rectify this problem.

At 10:51 AM 4/29/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Welcome to the "NEW" ProCard LISTSERV !!!!!  If you are receiving this
>email, then you are listed in our records as either a cardholder or a
>reviewer/approver.  Please read any postings to the listserv, as they
>contain important information regarding the ProCard and/or the ProCard program.
>The first new item you will see, is contained in this message:  It is the
>!!!  NEW -  Quarterly ProCard Newsletter !!!  Just click on the attachment
>below to open the Newsletter.  You can also see the Newsletter on the
>Purchasing web site, located at
>  <<>>
>We hope you enjoy this new listserv.  Please feel free to forward any
>comments or suggestions to Kathy Gilley, the ProCard Administrator @
>[log in to unmask]
>Kathy A. Gilley, C.P.M.
>ProCard Administrator
>University of Oklahoma
>201 Engineering Lab
>200 Felgar Street
>Norman, OK 73019
>Phone:  405/325-5081
>Fax:    405/325-5068
>Email:  [log in to unmask]