hi everybody, can you believe summer is almost over...??? incredible!
anyway, I've just prepared an online resource for my students which I
wanted to share with the rest of you, in case it might be useful to
other online instructors. I've decided to switch from the discussion
board to blogs, and I'll be using Bloglines to do that. Bloglines is a
free service, with no advertising of any kind, that combines a basic
blog with an excellent blog aggregator. here is the information I've
prepared for my students:
Tour of Bloglines:
Creating a Bloglines Account:
Adding Feeds:
Creating Posts:
Sample Bloglines Blog:
in some ways the materials are specific for my classes, but you are
certainly free to take/adapt/re-use them for your own classes.
I've been using Bloglines as my aggregator for over a year now, and I
love it. last spring, I did a pilot test and the students were really
excited about learning how to use this service. if you are curious about
blogging and/or about RSS feeds, I'd definitely recommend this a great
way to get started!