Hello MAC Members,
I hope your summer is going well!! All is well here in beautiful, hot Arkansas.
As this email heading shows, our annual business meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 10, from 6:45 pm - 8:15 p.m. I hope you'll make plans to attend! (Please check your convention program book for the room number we've been assigned.)
For your convenience, a copy of the proposed meeting agenda is attached.
If you'd like to have an item added to the agenda, please send it to me before August 8th for consideration.
In keeping with our by-laws, most of our officers will move up in leadership, which means no election is required to fill the positions they will be assuming, that is, unless one of them cannot continue his/her position and announces s/he is vacating the position. This year, and to the best of my knowledge, the positions that DO NOT have to be filled include vice head, 2nd vice head, secretary, research chair, and student research chair. If this changes, I will make that announcement at the business meeting.
Now, having said that, we will need to elect officers for the following three positions:
PF&R Chair (or co-chairs)
Teaching Standards Chair (or co-chairs)
Newsletter Editor
Web site editor (TBA)
If you are interested in being elected to one of these positions, please make plans to have someone nominate you. Also, in the event that you are elected, you (except newsletter editor and Web site editor) will need to be at a mandatory training session on Sunday morning from 8:15 - 9:45 a.m. This is SO important! There are separate training sessions for incoming heads, vice heads, PFR, Research and Teaching Chairs. It is clear that a division/interest group can run more smoothly if officers attend these sessions. Electronic submissions makes this training even more important - and you'll need to prepare for mid-winter meeting.
If you have more questions, please call me at 870-995-3655. I'll be arriving in D.C. on Tuesday, August 7.
Thanks for all of the support you've provided in 2006-07 to help make MAC the success that it has been.
See you soon!
Lillie M. Fears, Chair
870-995-3655, mobile