Dear Jannette Dates,
Thank you very much for what you've done.
We are so proud to have you in the leadership of the organization.
MAC, and I hope the CSM, will wait to hear from you.
>===== Original Message From "Dates, Jannette" <[log in to unmask]> =====
>At a meeting of some of the AEJMC leadership this past weekend, in Columbia,
>SC at AEJMC headquarters, I brought up the need for us to do this. We have
>drafted a resolution that will be sent through the proper channels. If you
>don't want duplication of efforts, wait for me to get it officially and I
>will share it with you. It should be ready for your review by the end of
>next week.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: amohamed [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:44 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Supporting Univ. of Michigan's Affirmative Action Policy
>Dear Colleagues,
>I would like to thank Jannette Dates, Bill Israel,
>Paula Poindexter, Venise Berry, and Ken Campbell for their
>prompt responses to this proposal.
>All of them expressed agreement that AEJ needs to be on record
>regarding this issue. Prof. Campbell suggested that it's
>more appropriate that the Commission on the Status of
>Minorities take the lead on this and I concur.
>We will, therefore, ask our colleagues at the CSM to draft
>a resolution to be sent to the Executive Board of AEJMC.
>Fortunately, all top officers of CSM are members of MAC and
>so by this e-mail we ask them to take the lead.
>Ali N. Mohamed
>Edinboro Univ. of PA.
>>===== Original Message From amohamed <[log in to unmask]> =====
>>Dear Colleagues,
>>On April 1, the Supreme Court will start hearing arguments for and against
>>the constituitionality of the University of Michigan's affirmative action
>>policy for student admissions. So far, the battle lines are drawn and many
>>institutions/organizations/businesses have filed statements in support of
>>University of Michigan.
>>As an educational organization, shouldn't AEJMC join this battle on the
>>of the university? Is it possible to issue an AEJMC resolution
>>prior to the convention and before April 1?
>>Could the more knowledgable colleagues among us advise us on this issue?
>>What should and can MAC as a division do?
>>Ali Mohamed