Janette's comment here reflects mine also. I would not want to be linked to an organization that took this action. In fact, if most of the members feel this way, I should drop out. Is there something we should do to voice this to the AEJMC leaders? Individually or collectively?
Professor Kathleen Fearn-Banks
Department of Communication
University of Washington
Website: www.kathleenfearn-banks.com
On Tue, 8 Jun 2010, Dates, Jannette L. wrote:
> Dear Dwight:
> Thank you. I feel as you do. You have very eloquently and succinctly written and spoken about this issue-and I am in complete support of your response. Why choose some "issues" over others, you ask? Clearly, the issues you listed are as important to journalism and journalism educators as the one raised by AEJMC's leadership regarding President Obama's press conferences. We may need to re-evaluate the system for having the president and her/his advisors make statements attributable to the entire organization. I am embarrassed to have my name associated with this. These statements about President Obama do not reflect my views at all.
> Jannette L. Dates
> Dean
> John H. Johnson School of Communications
> Howard University
> 525 Bryant St., N.W.
> Washington, D.C. 20059
> 202-806-7694 or 6113
> From: FOR THE MINORITIES AND COMMUNICATION DIV. OF AEJMC [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Dwight E. Brooks
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 7:53 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: AEJMC: Obama's Promised "Change" Lacks Transparency
> Anita & Colleagues,
> This is the result of the President's Advisory Council that was formed last year. This is something Carole Pardun wanted to do and spoke on during the business meeting last August in Baltimore. While the statement does not necessarily offend me, I find the choice of topic for the release dubious at best. I can think of lots of equally or more demanding issues on which AEJMC could have taken a position: I may be mistaken but this is the first stance for the committee. If it is the first, it has failed miserably in my opinion. If not, I'd like to see any previous statementsBut why not:
> 1. Fox news as abandoning the practice of journalism in favor of right-wing advocacy?
> 2. A statement on the hypocrisy of the tea parties?
> 3. The Arizona immigration law
> 4. The ongoing lying and hypocrisy of the Republican members of Congress (and some Democrats too)?
> 5. Heck, there is a proposed bill in Michigan that would bar journalists from covering certain politics events without taking some sort of test or obtaining a "license"--a true slap at First Amendment rights of journalists. (I've just brought this to the attention of the PF&R Committee)?
> 6. Did I mention the Arizona immigration law?
> 7. Sarah Palin--when has she held a press conference?
> 8. That Rand Paul guy in Kentucky and his position on civil rights?
> 9. BP (and its response) and the oil spill in the gulf? Or was this penned two months ago?
> My last question is, what do we say/do in response to this? Can committees within AEJMC respond to its own leadership or issue its own position statements? I don't know who is on this so-called presidential advisory committee, but there statement does not represent my concern or perspective and I am approaching outrage when I think about all of the more central issues that were ignored over this false outrage over Presicent Obama's lack of pressers.
> Dwight
> Dwight E. Brooks, Ph.D.
> Professor and Director
> School of Journalism
> College of Mass Communication
> Middle Tennessee State University
> Murfreesboro, TN 37132
> Tel: 615 494-8925
> e-mail: [log in to unmask]