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Jon Hamm <[log in to unmask]>
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OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Nov 2003 14:50:18 -0600
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I have a (pretty new) Dell laptop for sale. It was purchased in March. I
thought I would pass this around to the techies here at OMRF before trying
the Oklahoman classifieds or eBay. Feel free to pass this on to anyone that
you think might be interested:

Dell Inspiron 5100

2.4GHz Pentium 4

15.0" XGA

256MB RAM (2 DIMMs)

16MB ATi Mobility RADEON 7500

30GB hard drive

Windows XP Home Edition (compatible with Linux, too! :-) )

Integrated NIC and 56K modem

24X CD-RW/DVD combo drive

Mini-PCI 802.11 a/b wireless NIC

Wordperfect productivity pack with Quicken New User Edition and Britannica
ready reference

Remainder of 1-year limited warranty

I priced out a similar model on the Dell site and the price was $1,168
(before taxes) with a mail-in rebate of $150.00. Dell is currently offering
free shipping as well. Mind you that price will fluctuate up and down
depending on what weekly specials Dell is running.

I'm asking $900 for this laptop (I paid about $1,100 for it). You get it
much quicker than buying from Dell (I just need a day or so to run
DriveCleanser and then use the restore CD's) and you don't have to wait 3 to
24 months to get your $150 bucks back from them.