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Yasvir Tesiram <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:10:58 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (41 lines)
Hi all,
I thought I would initially put his up for discussion on LUG.

I have some questions relating to security and potential issues for users
of the MRI facilities computers for processing and viewing MRI and NMR
I will be in most cases responsible for making sure that users get their
MRI data until we get a bonafide systems administrator. We will mainly be
a Unix based facility. There will be many flavors of Unix. Currently we
have RedHat, Debian, MacOSX (Darwin and X11, I guess I'll just call it
Net/FreeBSD hotch potch). But most of our users will be using Windows or
Macintosh (without Darwin X11) computers. To overcome software
incompatibilities we have decided to make the software availble from our
computers via X software such as X-Win32. My question is regarding
security during remote connections. I would like to provide the users with
XDMCP access. But something tells me that we are not behind a firewall. In
which case I am reluctant to use XDMCP. Which leaves me with the ssh -X
solution. I guess what I am really after is a secure XDMCP connection.

1. Does anybody know if there is such a thing.
2. Are we behind a firewall?
3. Is anyone running a Unix based network inside
4. How have you provided access to specialist software?

I'm open to all questions/suggestions/jibes etc. Thanks in advance.


Yasvir A. Tesiram
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Dept. Free Radical Biology and Ageing
825 NE 13th St, OKC, OK, 73112, USA

P: (405) 271 7126
F: (405) 271 1795
E: [log in to unmask]