OMRF-ISG Archives

OMRF's Information Support Group


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Quyen Arana <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 14:06:27 -0600
text/plain (25 lines)
You are now subscribed to the OMRF-ISG ListServ. The list is currently
by invitation only. If you feel someone should be on the list, let me
know. Please use this list freely. It is both a technical forum as well
as a community bulletin board. If the traffic gets horrendous, then we
can consider keeping it strictly a technical forum.

The address to send messages out to the ListServ is:

        [log in to unmask]

As common users, you are allowed to search the archives, and even can
update your subscription options (click on "Join or leave the list")
from here:

If you keep technical manuals on your night-stand or like to hard code
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If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support.
