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Alan Shields <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Nov 2003 18:31:35 +0100
text/plain (29 lines)
It's probably just better to put a marker in the subject. Given the
number of reactions to the articles posted, I'd say that they're read,
and you're hardly running a newsletter.

As a loose arrangement, I'd suggest:

[NEWS] or [news] for news article stuff
[HELP] or [help] for requests for help

I'm not going to worry about covering the cyclic cases, or anything
else: just use your head.

If people get sick of seeing them, they know how to use their
mailclient's killfile[1]: you just need to meet them partway.


[1] - For those who don't know: a killfile refers to using a filter to
remove or just not display certain messages. This is an old UNIX thing
from back in the heyday of Usenet.

On Nov 7, 2003, at 5:32 PM, Todd Walker wrote:

> Sorry if anyone is offended by my obnoxiousness - if I post articles
> like this
> again, I'll gather them up in a group once a week or so and post 'em
> without
> comment - feel free to ignore