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Alan Shields <[log in to unmask]>
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OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 14:47:06 -0600
text/plain (69 lines)
Here's the Apache configuration you need to enable WebDAV. At the bottom is
info on how to link into it on PC, Mac OS X, and KDE (Konqueror).

In Debian, you'll need the package libapache-mod-dav (assuming you're using
Apache 1.x, not 2. I don't know about 2).

The package should put itself in your list of modules to load. If it does not,
the line you need is:

LoadModule dav_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

As for configuration: create the directory that you want. WebDAV will do all
the permissions and hidden folders for you.

Note that a directory must be dedicated to WebDAV, and it is HIGHLY
recommended that you not touch the directory except through WebDAV, as it
will mess with the WebDAV database.

Here is the basic configuration you need for to enable WebDAV on a directory:

DAVLockDB /var/lock/DAV/davlock   #this if for Debian. Put the file whereever
you want
<Directory /path/to/directory/>
    Options +Indexes
    Dav On
    AllowOverride None   #Not strictly necessary, but it keeps someone from
putting a .htaccess file in the directory and messing with you

You can make as many as you want. To add another one, just specify a new
Directory, you do not need to specify a new DAVLockDB.

If you anticipate having IE 5 clients connecting in (and this is extremely
likely), the URL for this WebDAV folder must be right off the root, eg

I use mod_rewrite to manipulate where these directories appear so that I do
not have to 1) have a lot of physical directories off of the root, 2) create
aliases all over the place.

I also use mod_rewrite to eliminate case sensitivity in Apache. If you want my
scripts to do that, let me know.

For further docs on WebDAV, check out thise URL:

Now, how to connect:

In IE, go to File->Open, clheck "Open as a Web Folder", and enter in the URL.
IE6 might ask you for a password. If there is no password, hit cancel twice,
and it'll be fine. You can bookmark this, and you can also add it to your
network places.

On Mac, go to Go->Connect to Server (cmd-K), and enter in the URL. It will
appear as a server on your desktop. I have not had good luck with putting
this in the Favorites folder for auto-linking, but I'm sure that will be

In Konqueror, instead of entering in, enter in

There you go. Enjoy, let me know if you need more information.

I'm on the developer list for the group, and we seem to somewhat get along, so
if you encounter a bug, I don't mind reporting it to them for you if you
don't want to join the group yourself.
