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"Stewart A. Shields" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 09:49:34 -0500
text/plain (35 lines)
I have a Jabber server up and running, now. Anyone can create an account. I
would suggest that you not use a secure password, as right now the passwords
are transmitted en clair.

The server will probably be rebooted every so often until I get a fully
working installation going.

For a list of clients, go to:

For Mac, I'd recommend Psi. For Windows, either Exodus or Psi. For Linux,
Gabber works pretty well, Gaim less so. I've heard good stuff about tkabber,
but I've never been able to stand its interface for long.

The server is called:

It will be behind a firewall by the end of the week.

For right now, you'll have to know someone's username to contact them. As soon
as I get the DNS entries, we'll have a user directory and conference rooms.

My username is shieldsa, and I'll be online when I'm here.

It's in a very rough form right now, and expect it to go up and down
like...well, like something that goes up and down a lot.

Let me know if you have any problems, and I'll at least actively ignore you.
Alan Shields

PS: the wiki is just waiting on some IP stuff which I'm sure will be settled
out soon. I should have a Bugzilla installation for you guys as well within
the week. Assuming, that is, that I don't get swamped with other stuff.