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OSCER users <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:47:31 -0600
David Akin <[log in to unmask]>
David Akin <[log in to unmask]>
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To: "Neeman, Henry J." <[log in to unmask]>
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OSCER Users,
Today's maintenance has been completed. If you should find any
supercomputer related issues please let us know.

The OSCER team

On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 7:50 AM Neeman, Henry J. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> OSCER users,
> Scheduled maintenance outage Tue Dec 10 6am through midnight
> Central Time
> The Nov 26 outage reconfigured Side A;
> the Dec 10 outage will reconfigure Side B.
> This will affect the supercomputer, but not OURdisk, OURcloud,
> nor OURRstore.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Neeman, Henry J. <[log in to unmask]>
> *Sent:* Monday, December 9, 2024 10:06 AM
> *To:* OSCER users <[log in to unmask]>
> *Subject:* Re: Scheduled maintenance outage Tue Dec 10 6am through
> midnight CT
> OSCER users,
> Before the scheduled maintenance outage starts
> **TOMORROW** (Tue Dec 10) at 6:00am:
> Jobs that wouldn't finish before the scheduled maintenance
> outage starts won't be able to start at all, until after
> the scheduled maintenance outage has ended (planned for
> Tue night at midnight).
> Because, by this approach, such jobs can run for
> the full wall clock time limit that they've requested.
> So, if you want a job to run before the scheduled
> maintenance outage begins, then in your batch scripts,
> you might need to reduce the amount of wall clock
> time limit you request.
> (Once the maintenance period ends, this won't apply
> any more.)
> If you have jobs that you've already submitted that are
> pending in the queue, then you might want to reduce
> their requested wall clock time limit, to give them
> a chance to start before the scheduled maintenance
> outage begins.
> The command is:
> scontrol update JobId=######## TimeLimit=DD-HH:MM:SS
> except REPLACE ######## with the job ID number, and
> REPLACE DD-HH:MM:SS with 2-digit number of days,
> 2-digit number of hours (beyond the number of days),
> 2-digit number of minutes (beyond the days and hours)
> and 2-digit number of seconds (beyond the days, hours
> and minutes).
> You have to pick a wall clock time limit short enough that
> the job can run to its time limit before the start of the
> scheduled maintenance outage.
> For example, suppose job 123456 had requested 48 hours of
> wall clock time limit, but now there are less than 48 hours
> before the start of the scheduled maintenance outage.
> So job 123456 won't be able to run until
> after the scheduled maintenance outage ends.
> But, we could change the requested wall clock time limit
> for job 123456 to, for example, 30 hours, like this:
> scontrol update JobId=123456 TimeLimit=01-06:00:00
> In that case, job 123456 would have a **CHANCE**
> (but **NOT A GUARANTEE**) to run before the outage starts.
> Henry
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Neeman, Henry J. <[log in to unmask]>
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 5, 2024 12:26 PM
> *To:* OSCER users <[log in to unmask]>
> *Subject:* Scheduled maintenance outage Tue Dec 10 6am through midnight CT
> OSCER users,
> Scheduled maintenance outage Tue Dec 10 6am through midnight
> Central Time
> The Nov 26 outage reconfigured Side A;
> the Dec 10 outage will reconfigure Side B.
> This will affect the supercomputer, but not OURdisk, OURcloud,
> nor OURRstore.
> Planned maintenance tasks:
> OU Facilities Management will be finishing the reconfiguration
> of the power systems that feed electricity to the rows
> inside of the Four Partners Place Datacenter. This work is
> expected to take all of Tuesday next week. As such we are
> scheduling a downtime of our systems to accommodate the
> electricians to complete the work described.
> The work for the project "16-25 4PP Computing Center Busbar
> Feed reconfiguration" allows us to better distribute the
> electrical load across the full breadth of the datacenter's
> power distribution panels. This gives OSCER the ability to
> have even more evenly distributed power utilization, which
> gives us more available power per rack of servers.
> We expect the work to start by 7am Central Time on Tuesday.
> Also, we expect the work to be finished by 11:59pm Central
> Time on Tuesday, that same day.
> Time permitting, we'll also move a subset of scratch users from
> older scratch server(s) to a new larger scratch system.
> The user data will be copied to the new scratch system
> in advance, so the transition is expected to be smooth.
> As always, we apologize for the inconvenience -- our goal
> is to make OSCER resources even better!
> If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at:
> [log in to unmask]
> The OSCER Team