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Sender: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 00:10:06 +0900
Reply-To: MJKim <[log in to unmask]>
From: MJKim <[log in to unmask]>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------070103060904000906000306"
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Comments: To: Adilson Cabral <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (7 kB) , text/html (10 kB)
Dear all

Hi, as a member of (now gone...) Videazimut, I was also in that Brazil
conference which was very exciting moment for me. And I agree with Sean
that we are now in the situation of possibility (and also necessity) of
building more concrete network on community and public access TV. We in
Korea has various access structures including terrestrial, cable and
satellite channels with great potential and big obstacles. (For example,
next week, some local groups of media activists will have meeting on
elaborating the plans regarding new project called Local access project
which will strengthen local access structure through training, screening
and access to cable with national networking) We are trying to share the
experiences and strategic discussions on various issues and hope we can
have more interaction....

And I will also try to be at Marseille.


MJ Kim

Adilson Cabral 彰 越:

> Hi Sean and all,
> In Brazil we dream about a day when will have licenses like this at
> our TV, although we have community channels where all organisations
> try organize themselves in order to show their programs.
> Wish you luck and more good news in the future.
> I have yet some materials about that Videazimuth meeting (somewhere in
> my house). Iぴせばくl try to scan it when Iぴせばくl have more time... I agree
> with you that today we havesome areas of action that make desirable an
> international association like this. Maybe it would be good to have
> some people from Brazil at the meetingin Marseille. Gonna try!
> Best,
> Adilson
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Sean O Siochru <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>     *To:* [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>     *Sent:* Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:14 AM
>     *Subject:* Re: (Engl)Thank you all for Videazimut (and Kevin
>     Howley) info
>     I too was at that meeting near Sao Paolo .
>     My feeling is that there are signs that there is a need for an
>     international organisations around video and community TV. There
>     is a meeting in Marseille (see below)
>     Incidentally, I am chair of Dublin Community Television
>     (www.dctv.ie <http://www.dctv.ie>) and the good news is we were
>     granted a license on the 23 February last to broadcast, including
>     a 'must carry' on the cable operator, the first in Ireland after
>     years of lobbying etc.. (The bad news in we have no money, no
>     premises, no staff...)
>     Bye
>     Sean
>     FROM MAY 6TH to 8TH 2006
>     On the occasion of the Meeting of Non Profit and Alternative Media
>     in Marseille (France) that take place as part of the States General
>     Meeting for the Promotion of Pluralism in Media and Information.
>     At last we have found an opportunity to invite you to France for an
>     extensive workshop on free tv, citizen and community tv, alternative
>     tv, public access tv, educational tv, local tv, tv centered on
>     people and social issues ...
>     TV channels are emerging all over the world as non profit, non
>     aligned, non commercial, activist responses to the established
>     propaganda of media wholly dependent on advertisers and industrial
>     corporations. These alternative channels promote free speech and
>     production and present programmes that are truly conceived to
>     serve popular expression ...
>     Definitions vary from country to country, but the basic conviction
>     is always the same: that free access to the audiovisual media is
>     essential to democracy. Citizens must have access to television in
>     order to instate pluralism in the views expressed through the news
>     media as well as in the fields of art, creativity in general,
>     culture and communication. These are domains that cannont be ruled
>     by economic considerations alone, or democracy is just an empty word.
>     We hope you will all be able to attend and contribute to the
>     debate on the concrete means to instate pluralism and further
>     democracy. It will also be an opportunity to meet, share
>     experiences and get organised internationally and get this
>     movement for free local, regional, national and international tv
>     networks off the ground ... together, throughout the world.
>     Attached to this mail, the Appeal for Pluralism that's circulating
>     in activist circles in France concerns all media, all those who
>     work in / for the media all those who use the media (not only free
>     media). This initiative hopes to open the debate on the media as
>     widely as possible, to the media, free media, but also to viewers
>     and users of the media, that free media hope to bring forward as
>     the main actors of their programs.
>     All the information concerning the preparation and organisation of
>     this meeting will be posted on the freetvnetwork mailing list
>     (dedicated to free tv : all participants have moderator status and
>     can send mails and enroll other members freely to all the other
>     members of the list). If you are not already on the list, send us
>     a mail (to : [log in to unmask] ) and we'll register you. Of
>     course, if you want to quit the list, you all have access to do so
>     yourself or, if you prefer, you can send us a mail asking us to
>     unsubscribe you.
>     Don't hesitate to forward this invitation to any other free media or
>     citizen / activist groups you think may be interested. Let us know
>     if they want to join the freetvnetwork mailing list.
>     All questions, interrogations, suggestions and contributions are
>     welcome. The meeting, that we will all organise together, hopes to
>     provide an informal structure to open debate and reflexion and to
>     answer as many expectations of as wide a palette of
>     representations as we possibly can.
>     Looking forward to meeting you in Marseille. Until then, we wish you
>     all the best (and lots of courage) with your respective ongoing
>     combats!
>     A bient?t,
>     Manue and Michel
>     for the Zalea TV team, Paris
>     Zalea TV - France
>     http://www.zalea.org
>     <http://www.zalea.org/>e-mail g?n?ral : [log in to unmask]
>     THERE'S:
>     At 13:29 16/02/2006, Tracey Naughton wrote:
>>     Adilson and all
>>     What an interesting reunion. I was also at the Videazimut meeting
>>     in Sao Paolo along with many other names that still pop up in
>>     media activist circles. These include Dirk Konig, sadly no longer
>>     with us.
>>     FYI I also have a large collection of VHS material that was sent
>>     in for the selection process for the last Videazimut meeting, the
>>     final one in South Africa. It is a great record of alternate and
>>     struggle video.
>>     It will remain around as long as I have cupboard space for it.
>>     regards
>>     Tracey
>>     Tracey Naughton
>>     NYAKA
>>     Communication for Development ConsultantRe (Engl)Thank you all
>>     for Vid.ems
>>     201 Somerset Hall
>>     239 Oxford Road
>>     Illovo 2196
>>     Johannesburg
>>     South Africa
>>     landline & fax: +27 (0) 11 880 5030
>>     cell / mobile: +27 (0) 82 821 1771
>>     skype: tracey_naughton
>>     email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>>     No virus found in this incoming message.
>>     Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>>     Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.15.9/261 - Release Date:
>>     15/02/2006
>     Se?n ? Siochr?
>     Chairperson
>     Dublin Community Television (DCTV)
>     tel: direct 272 0739)
>     email: [log in to unmask]
>     Website: http://www.dctv.ie <http://www.dctv.ie/>
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     No virus found in this outgoing message.
>     Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>     Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.15.9/261 - Release Date:
>     15/02/2006