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Sender: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 18:17:56 +0900
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Thank you all for the amazingly fast turn-around. Took me all day to catch
up with your leads! :-) below what I've collected. I was not planning on
doing a major research project, but I hope that ourmedia can be a space for
collective memory. Strikes me that too much of our history is not archived

project idea: an our media movements archive, with newsletters (print and
e-mail), websites, oral history, video library etc. I think CIMA is starting
to do this a bit for the US movement, and CRIS people are pretty good about
recording their history, there are probably a number of
institutions/researchers doing this kind of work.... Everybody, save your
newsletters, mailing lists, etc., tell your stories!

BTW, looks like Isis-International Manila, a major information resource for
feminist communications movements, is on hard times... My colleagues went
there recently and they had lost most of their funding, had to cut down on


*VIDEAZIMUT pretty much collapsed, though many of us lament that, around
1998, must have been past 1998, they still had a conference that year...

* Alain Ambrosi is a good person to get more information from. (Tracey,

* Regina Festa - as I know - the last president of Videazimut. (Adilson)

Article by Hye-Jung Park (ca. 1997)

* Right to Communicate Virtual Conference co-organized by Videazimut
(Archived by gabi as html 3 levels deep)

* videazimut old site no longer available on way back machine (net archive)

* Videazimut article in WACC Media Development journal ca. 1996

* From: Aliza Dichter,CIMA: I recently did some research on media advocacy
coalitions of the 1990's  which included Videazimut. According to my oral
history research, just at the time when the Secretariat was moving to South
Africa they lost their primary funding, and without paid dedicated staff, it
was too hard for the main organizers to keep up, given the demands of their
own home organizations. The paper is " Together, We Know More: Networks and
Coalitions to Advance Media Democracy, Communication Rights and the Public
Sphere 1990-2005"

--->  recommended reading for all interested in the American Media Reform/
Media Democracy Movement !