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Nancy Burford <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:02:07 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
Vicki - 
We found out yesterday (finally!) that the poster stands we have access
to measure 48" wide by 66" high.  Basically they are cubicle panels with
feet that allow them to free-stand.
I don't yet know what kind of tables lend themselves to this type of
stand, but you might want to send out something about the size so people
can re-think their poster design.

I suppose we could stand them all together in a row, allowing x number
of inches along the row per poster so that posters spanned into a second
stand, but I fear that might lead to tearing if a panel jiggled.

We have to have a contract signed for using the stands 60 days before
the event.  They belong to the Graduate Student Council and we must rent
them for $25 each and pay for moving.  Becky has a call into Physical
Plant to see how much that will be (they are 50 pounds each).  The
rental is for a 'business week of use' - so the moving period will
probably be on Friday, with pickup on Tuesday.

I'm cc'ing the program committee to see if anyone has any brilliant
ideas about the poster stand arrangements - 


Nancy Burford
Assistant Professor
Resources Management Librarian
Medical Sciences Library
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-4462
[log in to unmask]
979-845-1820 (voice)
979-845-7493 (fax)
Attend SCC/MLA 2006 in College Station, Texas!
October 20-24, 2006