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Date: | Wed, 9 Jun 2010 10:15:52 +0400 |
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Dr. Pardun did not do this by mistake. She knew what she was doing and believes in what she wrote. The main issue for us is whether AEJMC presidents can issue partisan political statemnets in the name of the organization without prior consultation with the membership or their representatives at the divisional level. If AEJMC bylaws grant this kind of license to issue divisive political statements then that's what we need to address -- immediately -- or else this will not be the last time we see this kind of Tea Party talk.
Meanwhile, I agree that we need to contact Dr. Pardun before issuing a resolution. We do not need to seek someone who knows her. Our CSM and MAC leaders should do so through either a joint letter or an e-mail note.
Ali N. Mohamed
UAE University
From: FOR THE MINORITIES AND COMMUNICATION DIV. OF AEJMC [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Ilia Rodriguez [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 7:31 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: AEJMC: Obama's Promised "Change" Lacks Transparency
In response to Jennifer's question, I want to state my support for a resolution under the
leadership of CSM and MAC. Thanks to Dwight and Lillie for presenting relevant background
information. Pardun's statements not only raise questions about the accuracy and political
implications of such public discourse but also present evidence that can be used to call for
the elimination of an organizational procedure that allows four AEJ officers to issue public
statements without the membership's general consensus. I also like Jennifer's suggestion of
polling other division heads to get a sense of their position on this and possible endorsement
of CSM/MAC's resolution.
Ilia Rodriguez
MAC Vice Head
--On Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:20 AM -0500 Jennifer Woodard <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello all: I think that a joint resolution from MAC and CSM and anyone else
> that we can get to join us would be the proper response. Of course, a
> resolution would have to be approved as the action that we wish to take by
> our membership. But, I agree that we cannot be silent on this topic. So
> please respond and let me know if a resolution in response to the public
> statement issued by President Pardun-- AEJMC: Obama's Promised "Change"
> Lacks Transparency is what you wish to do. I will begin contacting other
> groups and then we will draft our response. Dwight, I would appreciate your
> participation in our drafting of the resolution, if this is the membership's wish --
> and I do believe it will be so.
> So please respond to the listserv with your vote of -- yes, let's begin drafting
> the resolution and contacting other groups. Or no, this is not what I feel we
> should do.
> Linda Callahan, please weigh in with CSM's perspective.
> Thank you,
> Jennifer Woodard
> MAC Head