Hi fellow MAC members,
I hope this message finds you in good health and with a strong spirit of
voluntarism!!Here is a long email about our Call for Panels.
I am not sending an attachment to help us control viruses in the WWW.
Please respond ASAP, our deadline is OCTOBER 17, 2003.
Best Regards,
MC Santana=20
Panel Proposal Deadline: OCTOBER 17 , 2003
for the 2004 AEJMC Conference
Toronto, Canada, August 4- 7
Hello MAC Members!
Our new year started as of October 1, 2003. It is time to plan the 2004
AEJMC Conference, scheduled for Toronto, Canada on August 4 * 7, 2004.
Description of Proposal Categories
Panel proposals ideas should come under one of three categories:
research, or professional freedom & responsibility (PFR). 1) Teaching
proposals should focus on teaching (methods, tools, etc.) 2) Research
proposals should not be confused with the scholarly and peer reviewed
paper sessions. Instead, this panel would focus on an aspect of
For example, a panel might discuss research methods that are most
commonly used in the MAC division. 3) Professional Freedom &
ideas should focus on diversity issues that concern the following:
freedom of speech and press and how AEJMC can encourage and defend free
speech rights and values in the workplace; ethical issues including
conflicts of interest, and social justice; media criticism and
ty; unequal treatment of women and minorities reflected in hiring and
promotion practices and stereotyped portrayals in the mass media; and
public service, including activities that enhance understanding among
media educators, professionals and the general public.
Notes to Consider When Developing Ideas
As you formulate ideas for proposals, keep in mind that the best ideas,
according to a former MAC chair, are "those that anticipate trends or
controversies, that make good use of MAC people, and that have a high
likelihood of attracting co-sponsors from other divisions."
It is also important to remember that acceptance of a panel does not
solely on the wishes of one division. Panels that can be partnered or
co-sponsored with other divisions are encouraged. Therefore, strive to
make your proposal as attractive to other divisions as possible.
Panel Proposal Requirements and Format
Only completed panel proposal will be accepted. A sample panel proposal
is attached at the end of this letter. Be sure to follow the format and
include each of the categories as shown on the sample proposal. Panel
ideas must include names of potential panelists and whether any
is need. I understand that power point equipment is too expensive to
at the conventions, but overhead projectors, TV/VCRs, etc. are
Let's plan on a great year!
Where To Submit?
Maria "M.C." Santana
Vice-Head and Program Chair
MAC Division
Nicholson School of Communication
University of Central Florida
P. O. Box 161344
Orlando, FL 32816-1344
FAX (407) 823-6360
Office (407) 823-2838
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A sample proposal is at the bottom of this page.
Advertising Division, AEJMC 2001 Conference
Type of Panel: Professional Freedom & Responsibility
Title: "Efforts to Recruit Minorities in Advertising"
Possible Panelists:
Mary Ellen Wooley, American Advertising Federation
Lowell Thompson, Creative Communications Consultant, specializing in
Ron Owens, Partner, Laughlin, Marinaccio & Owens, and President of the
Advertising Club of Metropolitan Washington
Panel Focus: The focus is to bring together industry professionals and
advertising educators to discuss current industry efforts to recruit
minorities and brainstorm ways in which educators and practitioners can
work together to increase diversity in the advertising industry and in
Justification: Despite industry efforts to recruit minorities, the
advertising industry is not accomplishing its goal of a more diverse
workforce. A recent Advertising Age article written by Mr. Ron Owens
data from the American Advertising Federation indicating that only 4% of
advertising professionals are people of color. Only 2% of ad industry
senior executives are minorities and in general market agencies, less
1% of the managers are minorities. This panel can inform educators of
current industry efforts and lead to a brainstorming session to generate
ideas on how the industry and educators can more effectively open the
study and practice of advertising for minorities. This panel clearly
directly relates to the Plenary Theme of "Bringing in the Outs".
Potential Division Co-Sponsor: Minorities & Communication
Moderator: Marilynn Kern Foxworth
Potential Speakers: Please name panelists by institution and area or
of presentation. (Please check wit the potential panelist on their
availability to attend the Toronto convention)
Audio-Visual Equipment: Yes.
Panel Contact: Joe Phelps, Advertising and Public Relations Department,
College of Communication and Information Sciences, Box 870172 University
of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 35487-0172. Phone: (205) 348-8646. E-mail:
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