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Print Reply
Sat, 1 Dec 2007 11:39:38 -0800
Felix Gutierrez <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Felix Gutierrez <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Carstarphen, Meta G." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (246 lines)
Agreed!  One Freedom, Many Voices: That's the spirit and intent of the First Amendment and something we should all defend and protect.  It has served us in the past when many of our forebearers had no other avenues available to them and we should preserve it in the present for the future.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carstarphen, Meta G." <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, November 30, 2007 6:59 pm
Subject: Re: Post from Karen Dunlap
To: [log in to unmask]

> Removal?  In the eight years since I created the list-serv and
> administered it, I've never removed anyone unless the person
> requested it.
> As I said, everyone has a voice.
> Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D., APR
> Gaylord Endowed Family Professor
> Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication
> Associate Professor
> 395 W. Lindsey Blvd  Room 3510C
> Norman, OK  73071
> PHONE: 405-325-5227
> ________________________________
> From: Chris Chow [[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:39 PM
> To: Carstarphen, Meta G.
> Cc: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Post from Karen Dunlap
> Dear Professor Carstarphen,
> I hope this is not leading to a "request" to remove E.K. Daufin
> from the AEJMAC list because if it is then I would expect a
> delineation and observance of a due process by which a discussant
> is "terminated."  I am surprised to learn of Daufin being removed
> from the Poynter-Diversity list what what would appear to be the
> word of one person to another, who apparently, has the "power" or
> "jurisdiction" to censure a "colleague."  If that impression is
> wrong, please clarify.  I have been struck by some of the
> virulence of Daufin's comments relating to Tompkins and to the
> Christian Science Monitor, which I have regarded with respect.
> Now I am struck by the "short circuitry" of this incident. There
> must be a better, more civilized, more "professional" way to deal
> with, evaluate or judge or respond to personal attacks, than this
> way and maintain free speech, academic freedom and equality of
> opportunity.  Christopher Chow
> On Nov 29, 2007 4:47 PM, Carstarphen, Meta G.
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Karen Dunlap requested that the following be shared with the
> AEJMAC list and I am doing so.  According to the time stamp, she
> made this request about two hours before E.K. Daufin posted her
> comment.  In the interest of facilitating a full dialogue, I am
> honoring her request.  I have also adapted her subscription to the
> listserv so she can speak directly to the group if she chooses.
> Finally, I shared this with her in an e-mail and believe it is
> worth repeating to the entire list:
> "I don't moderate discussions on this list by design, but I am
> committed to the proposition that all voices should be heard and
> that, as a group, we are able to resolve issues constructively.
> Thank you for taking the time to participate.  I know this group
> and I know this discussion will adopt the tone it should."
> With that said, here is Karen's post:
> ---------------
> Please post.
> K. Dunlap
> From: Karen Dunlap <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 16:23:39 -0500
> To: "E. K. Daufin"
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>, < AEJMAC-
> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> Cc: Al Tompkins <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
> Conversation: What Al Thompkins should have read before writing
> his racist Jena 6 columns
> Subject: Re: What Al Thompkins should have read before writing his
> racist Jena 6 columns
> To the AEJMAC listserv,
> I can't tell you how troubled I've been by the on-going discussion
> of the Jena Six
> reporting  and references to  Al Tompkins' column.
> I could outline a number of problems with the level of conversation
> and the casual treatment of facts.
> I'm most troubled by the personal attacks upon those with whom
> there is disagreement,
> and I'm troubled that this comes from educators.
> Educators are assigned to teach students how to think critically
> and clearly,
> assess facts dispassionately and  maintain civil discourse even
> while disagreeing.
> I don't see those qualities in many of the exchanges that I've
> followed. A disagreement
> on facts or interpretation of the facts does not make one party a
> "racist."  That is a loaded
> term and we need to use it wisely.
> I have conversed with Dr. Daufin on more than one area in which we
> disagree.I now bring my concerns to the MAC listserv.
> Most of you know me.  In years past I have worked with you in
> at Poynter and elsewhere.  We know the battles that we've been through
> and the struggles that we face.  I'm appalled that we seem to be
> allowingthe kind of personal attacks that we have condemned in the
> past.
> Yes, Tompkins is a colleague and friend and a person with whom I
> sometimes disagree.
> He sometimes disagrees with me. We do so respectfully.
> The exchange below does not represent the character of MAC.  It
> does not present an acceptable level of discourse.
> I hope this level of exchange ends.
> Best wishes,
> Karen
> Dr. Karen Brown Dunlap
> President and Managing Director
> Poynter
> 801 Third St. S.
> St. Petersburg, Fl. 33701
> 888/Poynter (769-6837)
> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> On 11/26/07 8:02 PM, "E. K. Daufin"
> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> A woman of integrity and fellow Poynter Diversity Across the
> Curriculum 07 participant sent this more balanced response to the
> !@##$$% racist idiot Craig Franklin, editor of the local Jena
> Times newspaper.  This is a link to Howard Witt's response to
> questions about Franklin's Christian Science Monitor piece that is
> so like Al Thomkin's racist Poynter article.  It includes a link
> to the response by Alan Bean the pastor who told Witt about the
> case and the director of a civil rights group called Friends of
> Justice. The CSM piece is UGLY and full of revisionist/apologist
> propaganda.
> here is a response i send out whenever i get emails about
> franklin's piece:
>            Dear xxx:
> Thanks for your inquiry. I am familiar with the article Craig
> Franklin, editor of the local Jena Times newspaper, wrote for the
> Christian Science Monitor. Unfortunately, that article was filled
> with revisionist history.
>            If you care to read a pretty thorough debunking of
> Franklin's claims, I would recommend the following, written by
> Alan Bean, director of a civil rights group called Friends of
> Justice, who was the first outsider to investigate the Jena case.
> It can be found at:
> havent-heard-unless-youve-been-paying-attention/
> <">> <>
> I'm afraid I have neither the time nor the inclination to engage
> in a point-by-point refutation of Franklin's article. I'll let my
> extensive reporting on the Jena story, available at
><>, stand as my rebuttal.
> But I will give you just one example of where Franklin twists the
> facts. Franklin contends that the nooses were not a threat
> directed at black students. I can tell you that my reporting in
> Jena over the last six months reveals otherwise.
> Fact: The principal at Jena High School did not regard the nooses
> as a harmless incident. He recommended that the three white
> students who hung the nooses be permanently expelled from school.
> That recommendation was overridden, however, by the school
> superintendent, who announced that the nooses were just a youthful
> prank. Soon afterward, the principal was transferred to a
> different job in the school district central office.
> Fact: LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters-the same man
> who is prosecuting the Jena 6 teenagers for the beating of Justin
> Barker-did not believe the nooses were an innocent prank.
> "This was an awful act," Walters told reporters on the day before
> the Sept. 20 civil rights march through Jena. "It was not a prank
> but a vicious and crude statement.... The people who did it should
> be ashamed of themselves and mortified at the havoc they have
> unleashed on this community."
> Walters added, however, that he could find no Louisiana statute
> that was violated by the youths who hung the nooses, so he did not
> charge them with any crime.
>            Fact: The U.S. attorney for the Western District of
> Louisiana, Donald Washington, declared that the hanging of the
> nooses constituted a hate crime, although he declined to prosecute
> the students because of their ages.
>            "Yes, hanging a noose under these circumstances is a
> hate crime," Washington testified before the House Judiciary
> Committee in Washington last month. "If these acts had been
> committed by others who were not juveniles, this would have been a
> federal hate crime, and we would have moved forward."
> hope this answers your questions. good luck with your seminar.
> regards,
> howard witt
> Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D., APR
> Gaylord Endowed Family Professor
> Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication
> Associate Professor
> 395 W. Lindsey Blvd  Room 3510C
> Norman, OK  73071
> PHONE: 405-325-5227
> --
> 307 Sixth Avenue
> San Francisco, California 94118
> Cell:  (415) 298-7662