Mon, 6 Aug 2007 18:46:37 -0500
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Submit Your Book Chapter on:
Media Representation of Historically Black, Latino, Women’s and Jewish Colleges & Universities
We are planning an AEJMC ’08 Convention panel (with a 9/15/07 abstract deadline) and a book on media representation of HBCU campuses and social impact of that representation (with an 11/15/07 book chapter proposal deadline). HBCU stands for Historically Black College/University. We have also expanded the purview to include Latino, Women’s and Jewish colleges and universities. The working title is, Stamp the Yard: Media Representation of Historically Black, Latino, Women’s & Jewish Campuses. The title is a play on the film title, “Stomp the Yard,” and stereotyping or “stamping.”
What about “A Different World;” “Cosby Show” HBCU sweaters and “Hillman” series cameos; radio representation on the Tom Joyner Show tours; news coverage of HBCU’s, implications of international play of any of these? What about the media representation of Black women/ sexual orientation/ HIV-AIDS/ interracial relationships/ class differentiation/ values/ religion, etc. at HBCU’s? We are using AEJ’s broad definition of media/mass communication/journalism. What about public relations campaigns and news coverage of these types of colleges and the affect on different audiences? What does the lack of media representation of these colleges say/mean?
Please send a 500-word chapter proposal including what you will study and how. Remember to write for the popular vs. the academic audience though please include endnotes in Chicago Style. We want proposals with a clear methodology whether qualitative or quantitative or both. What we DON’T want is opinion-only essays. Also on a separate page include a 50-word bio, outlining your expertise on your theory/angle/topic. Include your title, institutional affiliation, email and USPS addresses and phone numbers on the top of the bio page. Use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Please send a hard copy and a digital copy in Word on disk by the deadline to the address below. Expect a May 2008 deadline for the 20- 30 page chapter (including notes).
Convention ’08 Panel Abstract Deadline: 9/15/07
Book Chapter Proposal Deadline: 11/15/07
Rev. Dr. E-K. Daufin, Professor
Department of Communications
Alabama State University
915 South Jackson St.
Montgomery, AL 36101-0271
Thank you in advance for your
Scholarly & Creative Activity Referrals -
Lectures, Performances, Workshops, Consultation Related Info: http://home.earthlink.net/~ekdaufin/